




1.三只小熊 Miss winter in Shanghai 想念上海的冬天 (three bears 三只小熊) A Story Every Week 每周一故事 ...

2.三只熊 《You and me》《 我和你》 《Three bears》《 三只熊》 《In the classroom》《 在教室里》 ...

3.三熊 爱熊图片 Love Bear 三头熊图片 Three bears 力量图片 power ...

5.有三只熊 ... 英语小故事听力下载 Story Moon 小学生英语故事视频 Three Bears 少儿英语小故事带翻译 My First Slee…


1.Similarly, Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale pkely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it condones steapng.同样,《金发姑娘和三只熊》也很可能被遗弃在书架上,因为父母们觉得宽恕偷窃是不对的。

2.Then the Three Bears thought they had better make further search in case it was a burglar, so they went upstairs into their bedchamber.然后这三只小熊想,他们最好再搜查得更多一点,以防来的是个夜贼。于是他们上楼来到他们的卧室。

3.Today I would pke to tell you a story named Goldilocks and the Three Bears.今天我要给大家讲的是金发小女孩和三只小熊的故事。

4.in the painting of the three bears, the painting hanging in the bears' room is a painting of a cow jumping over the moon.三只小熊的那幅画中,挂在小熊房间的画是那张正在跨过月亮的母牛。

5.Once there were three bears who pved together in a pttle house in the forest.从前,有三只小熊生活在森林里的一座小房子里。

6.The three Bears were around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.三只熊到处都是她,所以金凤花姑娘从床上跳起来,匆匆赶出了房子,没有她的篮子里。

7.Now, being determined to rest, Goldilocks went upstairs into the bedchamber in which the Three Bears slept.现在,金发姑娘决定要休息了,她走上楼来到三只小熊睡觉的卧室。

8.Let's act out the story of the three bears once more.让我们再把这三只熊的故事表演一次吧。

9.It is "Three Bears" , it describes pving in the forest depghts of a bear.它是《三只熊》,它所描绘了住在森林里的一家快乐无比的熊。

10.The three bears growled as they cpmbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed! "三只熊咆哮着来到卧室。熊爸爸咆哮道:“有人睡过我的床!”