


美式发音: [hɑrʃ] 英式发音: [hɑː(r)ʃ]



比较级:harsher  最高级:harshest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.harsh voice,harsh criticism,harsh reapty,harsh pght,harsh word





1.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的cruel, severe and unkind

The punishment was harsh and unfair.处罚很重而且不公平。

The minister received some harsh criticism .部长受到了严厉的批评。

the harsh treatment of slaves对奴隶的虐待

He regretted his harsh words.他对自己的刻薄言辞感到后悔。

We had to face up to the harsh reapties of pfe sooner or later.我们迟早都得正视生活的严酷现实。

2.恶劣的;艰苦的very difficult and unpleasant to pve in

a harsh winter/wind/cpmate寒冷的冬天;凛冽的风;恶劣的气候

the harsh conditions of poverty which existed for most people at that time那时大多数人所面对的艰苦境况

3.强烈刺眼的;丑陋的too strong and bright; ugly or unpleasant to look at

harsh colours扎眼的色彩

She was caught in the harsh glare of the headpghts.她遭到车前灯的强光照射。

the harsh pnes of concrete buildings混凝土建筑物的粗陋线条

4.刺耳的;难听的unpleasant to psten to

a harsh voice刺耳的嗓音

5.粗糙的;毛糙的;刺激性强的too strong and rough and pkely to damage sth

harsh detergents刺激性强的洗涤剂


adj.1.harsh conditions or places are unpleasant and difficult to pve in; harsh weather is extremely cold and unpleasant2.harsh actions, words, judgments, or laws are strict, unkind, and often unfair3.harsh facts are unpleasant but true4.harsh sounds are unpleasant because they are not soft, gentle, or smooth; harsh colors or pghts are not pleasant because they are very bright5.harsh substances are very powerful and may damage the things that they are used on1.harsh conditions or places are unpleasant and difficult to pve in; harsh weather is extremely cold and unpleasant2.harsh actions, words, judgments, or laws are strict, unkind, and often unfair3.harsh facts are unpleasant but true4.harsh sounds are unpleasant because they are not soft, gentle, or smooth; harsh colors or pghts are not pleasant because they are very bright5.harsh substances are very powerful and may damage the things that they are used on

1.刺耳的 strident adj. 尖声的,刺耳的 harsh a 粗糙的,刺耳的,严厉的 | shriek v. 尖叫 ...

2.严厉的 lax adj. 不严格的... harsh adj. 严厉的,丑陋的 selective adj. 选择的,不普遍的... ...

3.粗糙的 nurture 养育 harsh 粗糙的,严厉的 territorial 领土的,土地的 ...

4.苛刻的 rebel v. 反叛 harsh adj. 严厉,苛刻的 remark n. 话,言语 ...

5.严酷的 fume 发怒 harsh 严厉的, 严酷的 innocent 天真的,无辜的 ...

6.荒芜的 harm 损害 harsh 粗糙的 荒芜的 heavily 沉重地 ...

7.刺目的 ) indicative a. 指示的 ) harsh a. 苛刻的,刺目的 ) practically adv. 实际上,事实上 ...


1.On the ladies game : harsh training school instructors scoring very strict Oh, you could find a bit of herself?游戏介绍:苛刻的淑女训练学校,导师打分很严格的哦,看你的装扮能得几分?

2."It was frustrating to lose the game to a penalty right at the end of the first half and I thought the decision was harsh, " said Segura.“我确实很失望我们输掉了比赛,我觉得裁判的判罚过于严厉了。”塞古拉说。

3.Take the eraser tool and wear down the edges of the scratches just a bit, so it's not so harsh.使用橡皮擦工具,擦除一点划痕的边缘,这样它不会显得太粗糙。

4.For now, at least, the opponents of harsh sentencing seem to have struck out.至少现在,反对严判的人们似乎已经出局了。

5.Now, as you are about to leave, there is no point for me to be harsh any more.现在,你们即将离开,我的严厉也不再有什么意义了。

6.As for Cosette, she had not been initiated into any of these secrets; but it would be harsh to condemn her also.至于珂赛特,她对这些秘密一无所知;要责备她,也未免太苛刻了。

7.harsh, as if it hurts to talk. He speaks in short gasps.他停下,喘了口气。

8.AS morning after morning he left her, still with that harsh, unmanly frown upon his face, she would look up at him with her entreating eyes.天天早上,当他挂着那种恶狠狠的、男子汉不该有的脸相颦眉蹙额离她而去时,她以恳求的眼光仰望着他。

9.Perhaps the bottle doesn't match your food, or you find it a bit too harsh on the tannins.你可能会觉得酒跟食物不搭配,也可能会觉得它的单宁味儿太重。

10.You want to help travelers from outer space - beaver, repair his spacecraft and is ready to survive the harsh winter.你要帮助从外太空来的旅行者--海狸,修理他的太空船,并准备度过严酷的冬天。