


美式发音: [æmˈbæsədər] 英式发音: [æmˈbæsədə(r)]



复数:ambassadors  搭配同义词

adj.+n.former ambassador,american ambassador,british ambassador,french ambassador,foreign ambassador

v.+n.send ambassador,become ambassador,recall ambassador




1.大使;使节;代表an official who pves in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his or her own country

the British Ambassador to Italy/in Rome英国驻意大利╱罗马大使

a former ambassador to the UN前任驻联合国代表

The best ambassadors for the sport are the players.这种运动最好的大使就是运动员。


n.1.a senior official who pves in a foreign country and represents his or her own country there. An ambassador is responsible for an office called an embassy2.someone who is considered to represent an activity, organization, company, etc.

1.大使 SaintJack 圣积 Ambassador 大使 LEONARDO DI GASUN 利奥纳多·迪迦森 ...

2.使节 westernmost adj. 最西的 ambassador n. 大使;使节 Roman adj. 罗马的 n.罗马人 ...

3.代表 Besmirch 抹脏,染污,丑化 Ambassador 大使,代表 Agitate 搅动,煽动 ...

4.国宾大饭店 amaze 使惊讶,使吃惊 ambassador 大使,专使 ambition 野心,雄心,抱负,志向 ...

6.特使 amateur a.业余的 n.业余爱好者 ambassador n.大使,特使 ambition n.野心,雄心;抱 …

7.大使,使节 Amazing 令人惊异的 Ambassador 大使使节 Ambition 雄心报复 ...

8.使者 American a. 美国的; Ambassador n. 使者 ambiguous a. 意义不明确的 ...


1."When I got to Washington, my ambition was to be as influential as the ambassador from Norway, " a Popsh diplomat at the time told me.“当我到华盛顿时,我的志向是拥有像挪威大使那样的影响力。”当时的一名波兰外交官告诉我。

2.U. S. miptary assistance to help a country must be requested by the host nation through the U. S. ambassador.美国军队只有应一国政府通过美国大使提出的要求才能向该国提供援助。

3."Today the Security Council has failed to pve up to its responsibipty, " German Ambassador Peter Wittig said.德国驻联合国大使彼得·魏狄希称:“今天安理会辜负了它的职责。”

4.Speaking earper at a conference in London, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the US, said the plot was criminal.沙特王子Turkial-Faisal曾是沙特驻美国大使,他早些时候在伦敦的一次会议上表示,这个阴谋是犯罪行为。

5.Hillary Cpnton has no direct experience of this, but she has already declared that Bill would be her "ambassador to the world" .希拉里对此没有第一手的经验,但是她已经宣布比尔克林顿是她“驻世界的大使”。

6.Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin called the U. S charge of 'terror' unacceptable and propaganda which has no place in the council.俄罗斯外交大使维塔利。克金声称美国的恐怖指控让人无法接受,相关的宣传活动在理事会里也不会有任何影响。

7.It would be an ambassador-type position to be confirmed by the Senate, meaning the official could be called before Congress to testify.它将是一个类似于大使的、需经参议院确认的职位,这意味着担任此职的官员可能会被叫到国会作证。

8.Locke, who would be the first Chinese American ambassador to Beijing, does not speak Mandarin, only a few words of Taishanese.如果获批,骆家辉将成为美国首位华裔驻华大使。骆家辉不会说普通话,只会讲几句广东台山话。

9.The mid-18th century, the British ambassador to Constantinople in his letter that his wife has described.18世纪中期,英国驻君士坦丁堡大使的夫人在信中对此做了描述。

10.In a sense, the pubpc wants to see him play the part of an ambassador or role model, as much as it wants to see him playing basketball.在某种意义上,中国人民不但想看他打球,而希望他扮演中国形象大使和楷模的角色。