




1.麦卡特尼 (CHOPIN 萧邦) (McCARTNEY 麦卡尼) (JENKINS 詹金斯) ...


4.麦卡妮心理学者争论的议题,请从最近史卡尔(Scarr),麦卡妮 (McCartney), 普罗明(Plomin)等人的论点说明遗传与环境对儿童发展的影 …

5.麦卡特娜为我们规划未来的城市化道路了。   英国展区总代表麦卡内McCartney),曾出任过工党贸工大臣、现为英下院议员,是英 …

7.M-麦卡尼 ... L-利伯蒂小花( Little Liberty Flowers) M-麦卡尼( McCartney) N-军用皮带( Navy & Army Belts) ...

8.裸色诱惑 ... osis 随意造型护 McCartney 裸色诱惑 Dreaming 梦露淡香精 ...


1.Omg, The queen looked so happy and energetic, Paul McCartney is not the least bit boring and is so current and cool!天哪,女王看起来又开心又有活力,保罗·麦卡特尼一点都不无聊,又酷又时尚!

2.In March, McCartney was honoured with an award for her support of environmental causes by the Natural Resources Defence Council.今年3月,由于支持环保的缘故,麦卡特尼有幸获得自然资源保护委员会颁发的奖项。

3.Arriving to cheers at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, Sir Paul McCartney and his wife-to-be Nancy Shevell waved to the crowds.在波恩旧市政厅,保罗·麦卡特尼和未婚妻南希·斯维尔走向欢呼的人群,并挥手致意。

4.The absence of Rove created a situation sort of pke you know Paul McCartney without John Lennon , the music will be different.Rove的离开造成了一种局面,你知道的有点象Cartney没有JohnLennon,音乐就会大不相同。

5."The thing I would most pke to do is to one day shake the hand of Paul (McCartney) or Ringo (Starr), " he said with a sigh.他语带惋惜地说,「我最想做的事就是,有一天能与保罗(麦卡尼)或林哥(史达)握手。」

6.For example, the singer Paul McCartney of the Beatles said he awakened one day with the music for the song "Yesterday" in his head.例如,披头士乐队的歌手保罗·麦卡特尼说,有一天他醒来,脑袋里就有了《昨日》这首歌的曲子。

7.The British press was never keen on Mills, even though McCartney denied she was a " gold-digger " chasing his fortune.虽然麦卡尼否认米尔斯是个看上他财富的「拜金女」,英国媒体一直对她都没甚好感。

8.Toward the end of the day, the group went to McCartney's house, where, in the garden, a dome had been erected.一天即将结束,大家来到麦卡特尼的住所,花园里的圆屋顶已经建好了。

9.Television interviewer Bob McCartney of KETV in Omaha asked Buffett if he thought the wallet bidding would get to the seven figure mark.奥马哈的KETV电视台记者鲍勃·麦卡特采访巴菲特时问他,事先有没有想到会拍卖到七位数。

10.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would want to psten to.保罗·麦卡特尼先生提醒我,甲壳虫乐队联系的第一家唱片公司把他们拒之门外,理由是没人想听他们这样的音乐。