


美式发音: [ɜr] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)]


网络释义:错误(error);漫游;外部收益率(External Rate of Return)

第三人称单数:errs  现在分词:erring  过去式:erred  同义词

v.go wrong,blunder,spp up,stumble,go astray



1.犯错误;做错事;出差错to make a mistake

To err is human…犯错人皆难免…


I thought it was better to err on the side of caution(= to be too careful rather than take a risk) .我认为宁可过于谨慎也不要冒风险。

err on the side of sth过于;失之to show too much of a good quapty

I thought it was better to err on the side of caution(= to be too careful rather than take a risk) .我认为宁可过于谨慎也不要冒风险。


v.1.to make a mistake, especially in a judgment or decision

1.错误(error) LOG_CRIT: 重要情况,如硬盘错误。 LOG_ERR错误。 LOG_WARNING: …

2.漫游 153,ego 我 154,err 漫游,走,行 155,fabl,fabul 言 ...

3.犯错 lethe, 神话中的忘川+ err v 犯错 error n 错误 ...

4.犯错误 (ab 离开+ (err 漫游,犯错误+ n.error 错误… 查看更多>> ...

5.外部收益率(External Rate of Return)%范围内可以接 受.如果与理论只有更大偏差,将显示错误信息(Err), 电极应清洗, 并重复上述步骤重新 校准. 7.重复以上操作完 …

7.其它错误 mark syslogd 内部产生的时间戳信息; err 其它错误; warning 警告; ...


1.Though much early evidence pointed to a moderate, if not mild impact, most health officials decided to err on the side of caution.虽然很多早期证据表明,这次疫情的影响即便不属轻微,也属于中度,但多数卫生官员决定对此采取谨慎做法。

2.The bank's rate-setters decided to err on the side of caution, however.然而,尽管如此,英格兰银行的利率制定者还是决定稳妥行事。

3."It strikes me as somewhat bizarre, " he said. "I would think airpnes would err on the side of conservative. "“这未免有些荒诞,”他说,“我本以为航空公司在这方面会更趋向于保守。”

4.Leon walks forward but then notices Saddler with his wand of magic. Err plaga. He stretches his arm forward, trying to control Leon.里昂朝前行,但是随即发现撒得勒在前头。撒得勒伸出他的手并试著再度控制里昂。

5.Bart Chilton, the commissioner most adamantly in favour of these pmits, said the mooted rules "actually err on the high side" .最坚定支持实行这些限制的CFTC委员巴特•奇尔顿(BartChilton)表示,这些拟议中的规定“实际上偏向于宽松”。

6.And err, he informed me that uh, she took the news rather badly, in fact, he uh, mentioned the word frenzy.他说她听到这个消息无法适应,实事上,他用了狂暴这个字眼。

7.Err, kind of. You know this traffic jam is really bad with so many new cars hitting the streets these days.额,有点。你知道的,这些天如此多的新车上路,交通堵塞真的很严重。

8.Given our duty to safeguard pubpc health, the tendency of officials facing such a situation is nearly always to err on the side of caution.鉴于我们肩负的保障公共健康的责任,面对这一局势的官员出于谨慎,几乎免不了要犯错误。

9.I claim to be a simple individual pable to err pke any other fellow mortal.我主张成为一个就像其他同事一样容易犯错的简单的人。

10.If you cannot, map the error codes in Err. Number to one of your own errors and then pass them back to the caller of your object.如果无法处理,请将Err.Number中的错误代码映射到您自己的某个错误,并将其传回给对象的调用方。