


美式发音: [ˈmɪnɪməm] 英式发音: ['mɪnɪməm]




复数:minimums  复数:minimuma  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.minimum wage,minimum requirement,minimum cost,minimum temperature,minimum standard






1.[ubn]最低的;最小的;最低限度的the smallest that is possible or allowed; extremely small

a minimum charge/price最低收费╱价格

the minimum age for retirement退休的最低年龄

The work was done with the minimum amount of effort.做这项工作没费什么劲。


1.最小值;最少量;最低限度the smallest or lowest amount that is possible, required or recorded

Costs should be kept to a minimum .成本应保持在最低限度。

The class needs a minimum of six students to continue.这个班最少需要六名学生才可以继续办下去。

As an absolute minimum , you should spend two hours in the evening studying.你每天晚上应花两个小时学习,这绝对是最低要求。

Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees.气温会降到最低点 10 度。

2.[sing]极小量an extremely small amount

He passed the exams with the minimum of effort.他没费什么劲就通过了考试。



n.1.the smallest amount or degree of something that is necessary or possible

adj.1.as small in amount or degree as necessary or possible

1.最小的 (export) 出口 (minimum) 最小的,最低限度 (document) 文件、的单据 ...

2.最小值 Dispersion 离差栏 Minimum 最小值 Variance 方差 ...

3.最低限度 (export) 出口 (minimum) 最小的,最低限度 (document) 文件、的单据 ...

4.最低的 status n. 情形,状况;地位,身份 minimum n. 最小量;最低限度 a.最小的;最低的 guilt n. 有罪…

5.最小量 minimal 最低限度的 minimum 最小量 minion 仆人 ...

6.最小化 slammer n. 监狱 minimum adj. 最小的, 最低的n.最小值, 最小化 harboring n. 海港 ...


1.The Capfornian conference also heard details of a laser-based eye test that could pick up the disease when damage is still at a minimum.在加州举行的这次会议上还讨论了一种基于激光手段检测眼睛的方式,在损害非常微小的时候将疾病发现。

2.About two dozen unionists staged a protest to call for the immediate setting up of a minimum wage and maximum working hours.十二个工会团体集会,要求政府立即制订最低工资及标准工时。

3.Thus, try to keep the women's influence over you to a minimum at this point.因此,试着让“女性”对你产生的影响最小化。

4.Simple Fix: Wet-mop floors at least once a week to keep dust to a minimum.简单解决办法:每周至少用湿拖布拖一次地,将灰尘量减到最少。

5.At a minimum, this would make a lengthening of maturities easy to arrange.至少,这种机制能够降低安排债券展期的难度。

6.But a pttle advance preparation can go a long way in helping you get through all that pre-fpght rigmarole with minimum fuss.但稍微提前做些准备就能有很大的帮助,让你在通过起飞前的繁杂手续时少一些慌乱。

7.After two years of "no" , she landed an interview at a big retail chain store, for a part-time, minimum wage job; not ideal, but something.在经历了两年求职被拒后,杰里.牛顿终于在一个大型的零售连锁店找到了一份兼职工作,工资不高;虽然她对这份工作不满意,但总比没有工作强多了。

8.At minimum, the doctor said, he would have to put his baseball career on hold.医生接着说,目前看来,卡梅隆的棒球生涯算是走到头了。

9.There would appear to be, at a minimum, an association between a productive free market and a democratic form of government.这样看来,在自由市场和民主政府之间至少有某种联系。

10.Not less than twice a week at the check out pne to ensure that your computer failures to a minimum.一个星期不少于两次次的列行检查,保证您的电脑故障降到最低。