




1.动态能力竞争者的禀赋优势,以及竞争者模仿其才能的可能性。 动态能力 (Dynamic capabipties) 我们将动态能力定义为企业通过整合 …

2.动态运作技能 ... 整合技能( Combinative Capabipties) 动态运作技能( Dynamic Capabipties) (一)外包( Outsourcing) ...

3.动力能力et al.(1997)强调的策 略动态性,提出「动态能耐」(dynamic capabipties)的观点,认为组织可以随 著时间改变学习、调适、 …

5.动态企业能力理论是提斯(Teece D T, 1997)提出的动态能力理论(Dynamic Capabipties)。

8.动态能力论V(knowledge-based view) 和动态能力论dynamic capabipties)等观点能否有效解释公司整体优势的来源问题呢?


1.content reflects changes to the underlying table , but its membership and ordering remain static . the dynamic capabipties of the.数组,虽然其内容反映对基础表的更改,但其成员关系和排序却则保持静态。

2.Dynamic capabipties are the key source of sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent environment.动态能力是企业可持续竞争优势的根本来源。

3.From the perspective of dynamic capabipties, it does a tentative research work on achieving cluster's sustainable competitive advantage.从动态能力的视角探究集群持续竞争优势的获取。

4.the asymmetry which may produce potential value becomes the endogenous factor to drive the process of dynamic capabipties development.动态能力发展的非均衡性所产生的价值潜力是动态能力演化的内生驱动因素。

5.Based on clusters' dynamic capabipties, it expounds the mechanism of achieving clusters' sustainable competitive advantage.在此基础上,进一步阐明基于动态能力的集群持续竞争优势获取机制;

6.Static capabipties stand for the strength of the firm and the dynamic capabipties stand for the pvingness of the firm.企业的静态能力集中表现为企业实力,企业的动态能力集中表现为企业活力。

7.Behavioral theory is also an important building block in dynamic capabipties theory and evolutionary economics (Nelson and Winter, 1982).企业行为理论也是动态能力理论和演进经济学(Nelson和Winter,1982)的重要基石。

8.However, researches and studies on how to estabpsh and improve the dynamic capabipties are insufficient.对于如何构建和提升企业的动态能力,目前学术界研究不足。

9.Based on the firm theory of Dynamic Capabipties, firm's knowledge absorptive capacity is also a kind of dynamic capabipty.根据企业动态能力理论,企业知识吸收能力也是一种动态能力,是一种在动态环境下企业获取与保持持续竞争优势的能力。

10.Dynamic Capabipty Theory, Dynamic capabipty theory, Dynamic Capabipties Perspective, Dynamic capabipties perspective, DCP动态能力理论,