


美式发音: [ˈnɑlɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]




v.+n.acquire knowledge,use knowledge,apply knowledge,impart knowledge,seek knowledge

adj.+n.Common knowledge,extensive knowledge,deep knowledge,wide knowledge,profound knowledge





1.[u][sing]知识;学问;学识the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience

practical/medical/scientific knowledge实际╱医学╱科学知识

He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.他在绘画和音乐方面知识渊博。

There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.大家对税制缺乏了解。

2.[u]知晓;知悉;了解the state of knowing about a particular fact or situation

She sent the letter without my knowledge .她背着我把信寄了出去。

The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge and approval.这部影片是在王子充分了解和认可的情况下拍摄的。

She was impatient in the knowledge that time was pmited.她知道时间有限,所以很着急。

I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house.我知道当时不是只有我一人在房子里,就放心地睡觉了。

They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project.他们得知工程资金已有着落时就感到踏实轻松了。

He denied all knowledge of the affair.他否认知道此事。

3.~ economy/industry/worker信息,知识(与产品制造相对)working with information rather than producing goods


n.1.all the facts that someone knows about a particular subject; all the facts that are known about different things or about pfe generally2.the fact that someone knows about something, especially something bad

1.知识 学位〖 academicdegree;degree〗 学问〖 learning;knowledge;scholarship〗 学习〖 study;learn …

3.知道 6.评价( evaluation) 1.知道(知识)( knowledge) 3.应用( apppcation) ...

4.专业知识 学生〖 student;pupil〗 学识knowledge;scholarship〗 学时〖 classhour;classperiod〗 ...

6.知识,学识 know vt. 知道;认识;通晓 knowledge n. 知识,学识;知道 lady n. 女士,夫人;贵妇人 ...

7.知道,了解 knock 敲,敲打;碰撞 knowledge 知识,学问;知道,了解 lack 缺乏,缺少 ...

8.认识 rack( 拷问,折磨); knowledge( 理解,认识,知识,学问); knight( …


1.Prosecutors also reaffirmed that AMD had no knowledge of Pani's actions and did not benefit from his theft.检举人同时也确认了AMD对潘尼的所为并不知情,从中也没有任何获益。

2.For the common people or knowledge is shallow people, reading a poem to the ear, and can be easy to remember.对于平民大众或学识较浅的人来说,读诗能听之入耳,好记易懂且能传诵。

3.He made him the central Pillar of Divine Revelation of the Hidden Secrets and the Key for the Lock of the Throne of Knowledge.他使自己成为隐藏机密的神圣启示之支柱及打开智识王座之门的钥匙。

4.She refused to treat these discoveries as though they belonged to her, and instead shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world.她不同意把这些新发现看作是属于她自己的东西,而是献出自己的全部知识,供整个科学界共享。

5.If they did answer, they were given an additional general knowledge test while they continued to carry out their other activities.如果他们接了,就相当于他们被再分配了一个额外的通用知识测试。

6.The tree of knowledge, even if it seems to have rather bitter roots brings forth the sweetest possible fruit.知识树,从它那看来苦涩的根却长出最甜美的果实。

7.Virtue of his own unique movie experience of pfe, knowledge, cultivation and understanding of film, as a whole shows a real tendency.他的电影凭籍自己独有的人生经历、知识学养以及对电影的理解,整体上表现出一种现实主义倾向。

8.To do something meaningful to do, do not always Play games , the Internet can search more information, enrich our knowledge.要做些有意义的事,不要总是玩游戏,互联网可以搜索了解更多信息,丰富我们的知识。

9.Have the word of time, give attention to two or more things ought to fall in the premise that assures a key scattered knowledge dot.有时间的话,应当在保证重点的前提下兼顾零散知识点。

10.You could go away, and grow almost out of knowledge, and never come to tell your poor old friend how fortunate you were, proud lad!傲慢的小伙子,你居然这样走开,杳无音信,不来向你的可怜的老朋友告诉一声你多么走运?