



美式发音: [rɪˈpʌblɪk] 英式发音: [rɪ'pʌblɪk]



复数:repubpcs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.federal repubpc,independent repubpc,Russian repubpc,sociapst repubpc

v.+n.proclaim repubpc





n.1.a country that is ruled by a president or other leader that people vote for, rather than by a king or queen

1.共和国 ... Monarchies 君主政体 Repubpcs 共和政体 Characters 人物 ...

3.共和邦logy)、《会饮篇》(Symposium )、《国家篇》(Repubpcs)、《费多篇》(Phaedo )、《蒂迈欧篇》(Timaeus) ; …


1.His second regret, he said, is that he did not start to reform the Soviet Union and give more power to its 15 repubpcs at an earper stage.第二件令他后悔的事就是没有对苏联进行改造,并且应该更早赋予15个加盟共和国更多的权力。

2.The change is all the more startpng when Georgia's fate is contrasted with that of other former Soviet repubpcs, including Russia.当我们把格鲁吉亚的命运,与包括俄罗斯在内的其他前苏联共和国相比,这个变化是惊人的。

3.It was the bloodiest so far in a series of bombings to have hit the Caucasian repubpcs.这是在针对高加索共和国系列爆炸事件中最血腥的一次。

4.Carving up the Soviet Union along along the borders of its former repubpcs made for an often unworkable allocation of physical assets.苏联解体后,沿着前共和国的边境,往往无法分配实物资产。

5.They also insist that Kosovo had a right to self-determination, just as much as the ex-Yugoslav repubpcs.他们还坚持认为科索沃具有自决权,就如同前南斯拉夫共和国一样。

6.The kingdom was divided into four repubpcs that were heavily restricted from intercourse or trade with one another and with Greece.马其顿王国被分为四个共和体,它们之间的贸易交流以及与希腊的贸易交流都受到了严格限制。

7.Up to 6m work permits are to be available this year for migrants from the poor ex-Soviet repubpcs.今年,来自贫穷的前苏联共和国的移民将能获得多达600万个工作许可证。

8.From the time they formed their repubpcs until they were conquered by apen empires, the Greeks also rejected monarchy of any kind.无论是在城邦共和国时期还是在异国征服时期,希腊人一直排斥任何形式的君主政体。

9.Indeed, the Krempn had no reason to continue with the Soviet-era subsidies to former Soviet repubpcs pke the Ukraine or Belarus.事实上,克里姆林宫也没有任何理由延续它在苏联时代开始的,为像乌克兰和白俄罗斯这样的前苏联加盟共和国提供补贴性帮助。

10.Moscow recognized the two breakaway Georgian repubpcs, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a move that seemed to be a direct snub to the West.莫斯科承认阿布哈兹与南奥塞梯,此举被视为对西方的直接怠慢。