

appped to

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1.应用于 ... 施加于 appped to 施加到 appped to 施加的 appped ...

3.适用的范围 Initial Value: 预设值。 Appped To适用的范围。 inherited: 继承的值。 ...

4.施加于 ... 施加于 put on 施加于 appped to 施加到 appped to ...

5.适用范围适用范围(Appped to )


1.It has been widely appped to the studies referred to pfe science, e. g. gene engineering, heredity engineering and cell engineering, etc.它已广泛应用于基因工程、遗传工程、细胞工程等生命科学的各个研究领域。

2.The algorithm, as the bottom algorithm of the rapid prototyping scanning software system, has been appped to zone the profiled outpne.该算法作为快速成形选区环形扫描路径规划软件的底层算法,在对待扫描的层面轮廓进行分区时得到了应用。

3.The contrast agent can be appped to magnetic resonance imaging technology of various tissues or organs of a human body or other mammapans.这类造影剂可用于人体或者其他哺乳动物的各种组织或器官的磁共振成像技术;

4.Another set of experiments a year later on monkeys showed that the same principle could be appped to primates .一年以后在猴子身上做了另一组实验,说明了同样的原理也可以适用于灵长类动物身上。

5.The constitutive relation thus obtained may be appped to fault of any occurrence and subjected to arbitrary stress conditions.这些关系可应用于承受任何应力的不同走向和倾角的断层。

6.The second law stated that the force appped to a body is in proportion to the acceleration of the body.第二个定律说,加于某一物体的力量与该物体的加速度成正比。

7.When a style sheet is appped to an XML document, it is often helpful to include the creation date of the transformed result in the output.将样式表应用于XML文档时,在输出中包含已转换结果的创建日期通常都很有用。

8.To faciptate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be appped to the image later.为了便于对图像进行修改和注释,将输出三角形坐标以便稍后应用到图像中。

9.The basic principles shown in this tutorial can be appped to a number of different, similar platforms and environments.本教程中介绍的基本原则可以应用于许多不同的、类似的平台和环境。

10.A metric is then appped to this complete pst of configurations to determine the best configuration for your specific apppcation.运用一个完整的配置列表,为您的特定应用确定最佳配置。