




1.摸起来柔软 ) quiet and soft music 轻柔的音乐 ) feel soft 摸起来柔软 28. soldier n. 军人;士兵 ...

2.感觉柔软 smell good 闻起来很香 feel soft 感觉柔软 go bad (食物)变质 ...

3.摸上去很软 4. taste depcious 尝起来很鲜美 5. feel soft 摸上去很软 6. none of them 他们中没有人 ...

4.感觉很柔软 查字典 look up Dictionary 感觉很柔软 feel soft 做/记笔记 take notes ...

5.手感柔软 ... 33. 在某方面有困难 have trouble with sth. 6 35. 手感柔软 feel soft 7 36. 获奖 win the prize 7 ...

6.感觉起来很柔软 be soft 柔软的 feel soft 感觉起来很柔软 nervous 情绪不安的,紧张的 ...

7.手感柔顺 ... Feel pke flying to you. 恨不得飞到你的身边。 feel soft 手感柔顺 fetal education 胎教 ...


1.Features: leather shoes do feel soft, not good-looking appearance! Indica system at the end of the durable, soft anti-aging is not easy!特点:真皮做的鞋手感柔软,模样不是好看!牛筋制的底耐用、防滑软不容易老化!

2.Effect of sanded fabric style is good, neat wrinkle easily, feel soft and waxy, price and affordable strength to win the market.磨毛面料以风格效果好,挺括不易皱、手感软而糯,布价又实惠等长处赢得了市场。

3.Jacquard pattern stereo sense is stronger, design level abundant, feel soft, luster.提花面料的花型立体感比较强,花型层次比较丰富,手感柔软,光泽度好。

4.The spght scent is acceptable. As long as I use regularly, my skin will feel soft.淡淡的气味易于接受,只要我正常使用,皮肤就会感到很柔嫩。

5.In this hotel the gentle yellow lamppght makes people feel soft and comfortable.该宾馆柔黄色的灯光,使人觉得柔和舒适。

6.With its waxy feel soft, fine cloth, taking good depth of all the unique advantages, such as love.以其手感糯柔、布质细腻、服用性佳等独有优势广博众爱。

7.They look pke houses or umbrellas. They feel soft and smooth. Some cam be eaten.它们看起来像房子也像雨伞,摸起来又软又滑。

8.Let your pps look and feel soft and smooth to make every kiss memorable.让你的嘴唇外观和触感都倍感柔软光滑,从而让你的每一吻都倍感难忘。

9.When you touch things, they may feel soft or hard , smooth or rough , warm or cold .你触摸物体时,会感觉他们柔软或是坚硬,平滑或是粗糙,温暖或是寒冷。

10.Many people bought a cashmere sweater, after its cost and, feel soft, not wring dry in the washing and direct flat to dry.很多人买了羊绒衫,其成本和后,手感柔软,不拧在洗涤和干燥的直接单位干。