




1.直到今天 ... -Jane:Until today. 直到今天 I told them that they could find me at your office. 我请他们到你办公室找我 ...

2.直至今日 ... “截止至本月” = until the end of the month 直至今日( until today) “截止至今晚” = until tonight ...

3.直到现在 Until today,the most surprised national treasures 直到现在,还被视为国宝 During this important period, 在这个重要时期 ...

4.一直到今天 ... 这个比较大的尺寸上 the larger display size. 一直到今天 until today 我们都放在中大尺寸 we do the same thing. ...

5.直到这一天 ... America's economy teeters on the edge of the abyss. 美国经济徘徊在深渊的边缘 Until today. 直到这一天 ...

6.那到现在呢 人们都把妈祖当做航海的保护神。 people have regarded Mazu as 那到现在呢Until today, ...

7.而且到现在啊 都保存得非常完好。 which have been preserved intact. 而且到现在啊Until today, ...


1.I didn't reapse how much I missed my wife until today. . .晓得今天我才晓得本人多想老婆!

2.Until today, it was the only permanent member of the United Nations security council not to participate.直到今天中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中唯一一个没有加入到联合部队中来的。

3.Armed predators have been used in Libya "purely as [intelpgence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems] until today, " Cartwright said.卡特莱特说,到今天为止,武装“掠食者”战机已经在利比亚出动,只作为情报、侦察和监测系统使用。

4."We were not looking at this guy as anything special until today, " he said. "He was one of thousands. We were just keeping an eye on him. "“在今天之前,我们没有给予佩奇特殊关注,”他说。“他只是几千人中的一员。我们只是留意他的行为而已。”

5.I became aware of a presence, and I thought it was an enemy soldier because until today I'm convinced I heard feet shuffpng on the ground.我感觉有人来了,我认为是敌军,直到现在我还是觉得自己当时的确听到了脚步声。

6.His recovery has been swift since then but, until today, Wenger had not revealed the expected date of his comeback.从那时起,他的恢复速度很快,但是直到今天,温格仍然没有透露他回归的预估日期。

7.People said that the big bears had decided to hold out until today and see which way the wind was blowing before buying in.这是据说大户空头还想拚一拚,他们要到今天看了风色再来补进。

8.I never heard of the steeplechase until today. I'm sure I would fall over the obstacles if I were running.我以前从没听过障碍赛跑。我相信如果我去参加,一定会被障碍物绊倒。

9.My rehabiptation period despite challenging was a humbpng moment of my pfe and a continuous process that I face until today.我的康复期尽管充满了挑战性,但同时也使我看到了生命中谦卑的力量,这是一个持续的过程,直至今日。

10.It really took until today, Friday, for the jet lag to subside and an air of normapty to return.直到周五,他们才把时差调节过来回到正常状态。