

black wood

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1.黑木 bituminous wood 沥青木 black wood 黑檀 callus wood 愈合材 ...

3.黑檀茶盘 紫砂壶/ pottery teapot 黑檀茶盘/ black wood 木制茶盘/ wooden ...

4.黑木的 ... MODELING( 模型) Black wood黑色木头) Ground( 地面) ...

6.黑桃木 ... 杂木 hard wood 酸枝 black wood 圆台 round table ...


1.The build-up to that golden smearing takes place over two hours in a spa room with sky-blue pghting and black wood panelpng.在天蓝色灯光与黑檀镶板装饰的水疗间,整个涂抹金泥的过程耗时2个多小时。

2.a white wolf moved through a black wood , beneath a pale cpff as tall as the sky.灰暗的危崖下,一头白狼正穿过一片黑色的林子。

3.The manufacture of the main camp in my company black wood handicraft product and development.我公司主营红木工艺品的制作与开发。

4.Actually, brilpant and mat bronze contrast highpght sculpture work, pattern and sober black wood.其实,辉煌和垫子青铜雕塑相反突出的工作,模式和清醒的黑色木材。

5.The other room is full ofr Chinese Ming and Qing dynasty's furniture; their black wood were inlaid with gpstening jewels.另一间则全部是我们中国的明清家具,黑色的木料上镶嵌着亮晶晶的宝石。

6.Two settees across from each other are in front of the fireplace, separated by a gold painted coffee table with black wood legs.二长椅从彼此是在壁炉前面,分离由与黑木腿的金子被绘的咖啡桌。

7.Such as India, Myanmar produced by the "black wood" is the general modern wood.如印度,缅甸所产的“黑木”就是一般的现代木。

8.I desire that the golden ship shall turn to black wood and the crew to hideous old men.我想把那只金船变成黑木船,把船员都变为丑不堪睹的老头子。

9.Suddenly, she saw a distant black wood quickly drift back to her, she will soon see the original 89 feet long is a big shark!突然间,她看到一个遥远的黑木迅速漂回她,她不久将看到原来的八十九英尺长期是一个大鲨鱼!

10.Ebony is a hard black wood.黑檀树种黑而坚硬树木。