




1.沈先生 陈卫民( mr.chen) 申铁成( mr.shen) 天津大成国际船舶代理有限公司 TIANJIN DACHENG INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGE…

3.岳父沉先生先生(Mr. Hsien)新婚后不久,就带领自己的岳父沉先生Mr. Shen)、信徒田先生和老钱一等人到街头和附近乡村举行布 …

4.岳父沈先生先生(Mr. Hsien)新婚后不久,就带领自己的岳父沈先生Mr. Shen)、信徒田先生和老钱一等人到街头和附近乡村举行布 …


1.Mr Shen later said the QIA was more focused on emerging markets, particularly in Asia, and was diversifying away from the US as a result.肯尼思•申随后表示,卡塔尔投资局更关注于新兴市场,尤其是亚洲,因此,其投资正从美国转移到这些市场。

2.The beginning of a business always proved extremely hard. During those tough days, Mr. Shen shuttled between Hongkong and Shanghai.事业刚起步时总是异常艰辛,那时,沈钦华经常往返于上海和香港。

3.But Mr. Shen held that there had been no forged seal ever and A company had two seal according to the inspection conclusion.申某辩称,根据公安机关得出的结论应是有两枚公章,而不是有假公章。

4.In the evening, we, boarders, were all summoned to the Lecture Theatre, when our Department Head, Mr Shen, told us.晚上,我们全体住校的同学被召集到讲演厅,我们的系主任沈先生告诉我们说。

5.Mr. Shen says China will pkely to remain loyal to North Korea for a simple strategic reason.沈丁立说,中国有可能因一个简单的战略原因而对朝鲜保持忠诚。

6.Mr. Shen said he was 'puzzled' at times by the valuations in recent Chinese internet IPOs, though he didn't name names.虽然没有点名,但沈南鹏说他有时也会对近期上市的几家中国互联网公司的高估值感到“困惑”。

7.Generally, it takes longer for a dotcom to turn a profit in China than in the U. S. , Mr. Shen said.据沈南鹏介绍,一般来说,相比美国,中国互联网公司扭亏为盈需要更长的时间。

8.His trip to Tibet contributed to one section of a three-part performance Mr. Shen will present at Lincoln Center starting July 9.7月9日开始,沈伟将在林肯中心演出舞蹈三部曲,其中一部分就是取材于他的西藏之行。

9.Starting from a trade company, Mr. Shen's enterprise has gradually developed into a big medical industry group with 9 manufactories.沈钦华的企业从一间贸易公司起步,直至现在形成医疗仪器产业集团,下属九家制造工厂。

10."The outlook for the US dollar is a significant issue for investors contemplating US-related investments, " Mr Shen said.他表示:“在投资者考虑美元相关投资时,美元前景是一个重要问题。”