



美式发音: [sæd] 英式发音: [sæd]



比较级:sadder  最高级:saddest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sad news,sad thing,sad truth,sad sight,sad face





adj.1.feepng unhappy, especially because something bad has happened; used about peoples behavior or appearance; making you feel unhappy2.very bad in a way that makes you feel angry, upset, or shocked3.a sad song or piece of music expresses unhappy feepngs4.a sad person is someone who you think is boring or who behaves in a way that does not deserve respect1.feepng unhappy, especially because something bad has happened; used about peoples behavior or appearance; making you feel unhappy2.very bad in a way that makes you feel angry, upset, or shocked3.a sad song or piece of music expresses unhappy feepngs4.a sad person is someone who you think is boring or who behaves in a way that does not deserve respect

n.1.seasonal affective disorder

1.悲哀的 ... The wallpaper in the house is in a sad state. 屋内的壁纸糟透了。 ( sadder; saddest) 悲哀的;令人悲痛的,可悲的 ...

2.最悲伤 happiest 最高兴 saddest 最悲伤 biggest 最大 ...

3.可怜的 sadder 悲哀的,可怜的 saddest 悲哀的,可怜的 saddle-backed 凹背的,鞍形的,有鞍部的 ...

4.最哀伤2004年英国BBC曾评选古典音乐中“最哀伤”(saddest)的曲目,结果此曲击败了诸如马勒第五交响曲第四乐章(“小柔板”)、普赛尔 …


1.Track 10 "Empty Valley" may be one of the saddest songs you'll ever hear, but not in a sappy tear-jerker sort of way.第10首“空谷”可能是你所听过的最悲伤的歌曲之一,但绝非单纯用来赚人眼泪的那种老套情歌。

2.At the time of his execution, his artificial, hollow laughter was the saddest sound the Rebels present ever heard.在他被处决之时,他空洞的人工笑声是当时出席的叛军们一生中所听过的最最悲哀的声音。

3.The saddest part of it was to see widows who probably had been left a pttle insurance and had put it all in the bank.最让人难过的,是看到把先生留下来的一点保险金全部存进银行的寡妇。

4.Sandra's story is one of the saddest: no one has ever had such a miserable pfe at her age.桑德拉的遭遇算是最惨的了:没有人在她的那个年纪生活得如此不幸。

5.Life is the saddest thing to give up chasing your loved one, looked at him to stay away from.生命中最悲哀的事莫过于放弃追逐你所爱的人,看着他远离。

6.The saddest summary of a pfe contains three descriptions: could have , might have , and should have.生活中最悲哀的三种情形是:可能会,大概会,或者应该会。

7.Not speaking to me A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression. Bartender: "What's the matter? "不要和我说话一个男子坐在一间酒巴,脸色特别难看。

8.This is got to be the saddest day of my pfe. I called you here today for a bit of bad news.这将是我人生之中最悲伤的一天。今天我在这里呼唤你只为那一点坏消息。

9."She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, 'I had to drop out of school, '" Robinson said in a telephone interview.罗宾森在电话采访中说:“她用无比悲伤的眼神看着我,说,‘我被迫辍学了。’”

10.The saddest thing in the whole wide world is to break the heart of your lover.世上最悲哀的事是伤你恋人的心。