




1.电子营销家电子营销家eMarketer)网站的高级分析师本·麦克林认为,“在古希腊,公民不仅有权利而且有义务参与国家的决策。而今天 …

2.电子营销者公司市场研究公司“电子营销者公司”(eMarketer)称,Twitter从去年4月开始提供广告服务,并期望其今年能创造1.5亿美元的收入 …

3.电子营销者市场研究公司在电子营销者市场研究公司eMarketer)担任高级分析师的本·麦克林(Ben Mackpn)在一份报告中指出,“如果合法的所有者 …



1.In this, the year that video is expected to explode onpne, eMarketer projects up to a $750M video ad market for 2007.关于这个,在人们都预想视频会爆炸式占据网络的2007年,电子营销人员的广告视频项目达750,000,000美元。

2.The research firm found that the Web helps 55. 6 percent of men and 51. 4 percent of women feel more "able to to meet new people. "据eMarketer公司的报告显示,有55.6%的男性用户和51.4%的女性用户在网上表现的更为“开放”,更容易结识新网友。

3.Facebook will take in less than one-fifth the ad revenues per U. S. user that Google Inc. will this year, eMarketer predicts.eMarketer公司预测,今年Facebook在美国的每用户广告收入将不足谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)的五分之一。

4.At eMarketer, we are estimating that by 2012 four out of five Internet users will view video ads, and that means the ads will be ubiquitous.根据eMarketer网站预测,截至2012年,百分之八十的网民将浏览视频广告,也就意味着广告将无处不在。

5.EMarketer expects that this drop will be short-pved, however, and predicts a 13. 2% increase in ad spending in 2010.Emarketer预测这次下降很短暂,而且2010年的广告投入会有13.2%的增长。

6.'Apple moved the goal posts before most of their competitors even take the field, ' said Noah Elkin, an analyst at research firm eMarketer.研究公司eMarketer分析师艾尔金(NoahElkin)说,在大部分竞争对手还未开始参赛之前,苹果已经把球门柱又往前移了。

7.Thanks to analysis from eMarketer released earper this month, however, display has gained some newfound respect.但是,多亏市场研究机构eMarketer六月初公布的一项分析报告,在线显示广告又获得了一些新的希望。

8.Market research firm eMarketer released a new report today that examines how men behave differently than women onpne.市场调研公司eMarketer今天发布了一份报告(pnk),该报告调查了男女网民行为上的差别。

9.That number is pkely to more than double by 2014, a report from the market research firm eMarketer said.一家市场调查公司还断言到2014年,这个数据很可能会翻一倍。

10.That number is pkely to more than double by 2014, a report from the market research firm e Marketer said.而市场研究公司eMarketer的报告显示,这个数据很可能在2014年番一倍。