




1.实践基地 ... ) Practice base 实践基地 ) practical base 实践基地 ) practice model 实践模式 ...

2.实训基地 ... ) practice training base 实训基地 ) practical base 实训基地 ) Experimental Bases 实验实训基地 ...


1.Dissipative structure theory and edge effect is the theoretical and practical base of the uneven row spacing regime.通过介绍非均匀密度人工林培育的概念,阐述了非均匀密度的理论和实践基础,即耗散结构理论和边行效应。

2.The theory and practical base of "social science is as important as natural science"“社会科学和自然科学并重”的理论及实践依据

3.According to Marxism, they are all based on the abstract theory of human nature for the lack of really practical base.站在马克思主义的立场上来看,它们都是以抽象人性论为基础的,缺乏现实的实践基础。

4.A tentative play for college pbrary to be a teaching practical base under network circumstances大学图书馆成为网络环境下教学实践基地的设想

5.The Experiences and Inspirations of the Construction of the Practical Base of Higher Vocational Education in Western Countries西方国家高职教育实训基地建设的经验与启示

6.The Concept, Theoretical and Practical Base of Uneven Row Spacing on Silvicultural Prescriptions人工林培育中非均匀密度的概念、理论及其实践基础

7.The Consideration of Enhancing Practical Base Construction for "Two Courses" Teaching加强“两课”教学实践基地建设的思考

8.On the Construction and Running Pattern of Electron Technology Practical Base in Universities高校电子技术校内实践基地建设与运行模式探讨

9.On Construction of Practical Base of Mechanics and Electronics Integration in Higher Colleges高职机电一体化专业实训基地建设探讨

10.Some Principles of the Construction of the Digital-Control Practical Base数控实训基地建设的几个原则问题