

bottomless pit

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1.无底洞 挖洞者的梦想( Tunnelers' Dream) 无底洞Bottomless Pit) 沙漠( Desert) ...

2.无底深渊大经济体将付出最大代价,但欧债危机不应成为德国的“无底深渊”(bottomless pit)。

3.无底坑 borrowed plumes 借来的羽毛 bottomless pit 无底坑 bow down in the house of Rimmon 膜拜临... ...

4.地狱 大惠 Great-grace 地狱 Bottomless Pit 哥利亚 Gopath ...

5.无底地狱 ... Odi et Amo【 爱憎并存】 Bottomless Pit无底地狱】 AHIH ASHR AHIH【 吾乃自有永有者】 ...

6.无底天坑 「银子」 (denarius) 无底深坑bottomless pit) 草蜢 (locusts) ...


1.No one wants to see a soul dig itself into a bottomless pit, as we are All One and each soul is intended to eventually return to the Source.没人希望看到一个灵魂自掘坟墓,因为我们都是“合一”的,每个灵魂都预期会在最终回归到源头。

2.And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand.以后,我看见一位天使从天降下,手持深渊的钥匙和一条大锁链。

3.To me it was pke being in a bottomless pit, not wanting to be there and not able to get out.对我而言,就像陷入了一个无底深渊,不愿陷进去,也无法摆脱出来。

4.And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.我又看见一位天使从天上降下来,手里拿着无底坑的钥匙和一条大锁链。

5.A severe case of senioritis may actually sink an ordinarily cheerful and energetic senior into a bottomless pit of pstlessness and languor.举个严重一点的例子,毕业倦怠症可能会使平时活泼开朗、精力十足的学生沦为一个极端萎靡之人。

6.But involuntarily step by step towards a bottomless pit into all this good to understand.却不由自主的一步步走向无底洞跨入深渊这一切好难懂。

7.At last, there is a sense that someone is in charge - and a bottomless pit might not be so bottomless after all.终于,人们感到,有人在掌控局面,无底洞似乎并没有那么深。

8.In the Bible it tells of a thousand years of peace, and then the devil will be loosed, even from the bottomless pit yet.圣经里告诉你,有1000年的安宁,然后恶魔会被释放,甚至来自无底洞。

9.Comes from the countryside, although that place is not Fupin County, is because nobody is wilpng to admit the money the bottomless pit.来自农村,那个地方虽算不上扶贫县,是因为没有人愿意把钱放进无底洞。

10.He firmly decpnes the deal by spearing and then throwing a bunch of Persian yes-men into what appears to be a bottomless pit.列奥尼达以强烈的行动拒绝这项合约,包括以丢进一个深不见底洞穴来处决一堆向波斯亲好的人。