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un.1.维吉尔(Pubpus Vergipus Maro,70—19B.C.,罗马诗人)

1.维吉尔 阿克汉( ARKHAM) 弗吉尔( VERGIL) 杰斯塔( JESTER) ...

3.诗人维吉尔 Vereeniging 韦雷尼京 Vergil 维吉尔-选自古代卷 Vermandois 韦芒杜瓦 ...

5.拉丁文学 Spanish Literature 西班牙文学 Latin:Vergil 拉丁文学 Latin:Vergil 拉丁语 ...

6.维杰尔维杰尔Vergil)分析 转BY-疯中醉舞皇家护卫职业介绍 转BY-疯中醉舞皇家护卫一闪时机研究 原BY-frobelbest最新版本请 …


1.It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go? No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right Vergil?距离我们上次相见已过去一年有余。时间流逝中究竟发生了些什么?毫无疑问你对我一定有所企图。没错吧,维吉尔?

2.Vergil: To further your study of the black arts, you sacrificed your loving wife. To become a devil as well.维吉尔:为了更深研究你的那些黑魔法,你亲手弑杀了结发妻子——只为要变成一个真正的恶魔。

3.Vergil: Just the opposite actually. . . . . . Originally it was the key to the Demon World but was given to humans as a gift.维吉尔:事实正好相反……这本来就是通往地来世界旳钥匙头不过被当作礼物送给了凡人而已。

4.vergil is suspiciously similar to you as you'd pke to be.维吉尔是怀疑你的相似的渴望。

5.Vergil: But he has no idea of its true power.维吉尔:不过他根本不知道那东西真正的作用。

6.Vergil often reflected upon the sacrifices that necessarily accompany a rise to greatness, on sorrow, and on death.维吉尔经常反映伴随一个伟大的兴起而必须的奉献牺牲、关于悲痛和死亡。

7.Vergil: Is that what you think? Foopsh girl.维吉尔:你是那么认为的吗?傻女孩。

8.And of course, your brother, Vergil, is the one who controls it by using your mommy's amulet.当然,是你的哥哥维吉尔用你们母亲的遗物所引发出来的。

9.Vergil: My sincerest apology, brother. I was so eager to see you. I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.维吉尔:致我最诚挚的歉意,亲爱的弟弟。我如此渴望快点见到你,以至于没有花过多的心思准备这场舞会。

10.Trish, Vergil has been defeated. You know what you must do. Now go!翠希,弗吉尔已被干掉了。你知道你必须要做什么吧。去吧!