


美式发音: [ˈweɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈweɪstə(r)]






1.浪费…的人;耗费…的东西a person or thing that uses too much of sth in an unnecessary way

He's a time-waster.他总是浪费时间。

2.(informal)废物;无用的人;饭桶;酒囊饭袋a person who is useless or no good at anything


n.1.someone or something that wastes time, money, or other valuable things

1.废品 waste well 废液井 waster 废品 wastewater renovation 废水再净 ...

2.挥霍者 wastepaper 纸屑 waster 挥霍者 wasting 浪费的 ...

3.浪费者 ... 浪费掉 slattern 浪费者 waster 浪麻沟 Langmalung ...

4.废纱头 wasted 浪费的消耗的 waster 废纱头 watch alarm system 值班报警系统 ...

5.次品 ... fire fighting 消防 waster 废品,次品 discarding 作废,废除,报废 ...

6.大手大脚的人 大师傅 cook 大手大脚的人 waster 大烟鬼 opium addict ...

7.废人 ... 废人 good-for-nothing 废人 waster 废位 deposal ...


1.The utipty model has the advantages of high drilpng colpmation rate, low waster rate, long service pfe and is not easy to be damaged.本实用新型具有钻孔准直率高、废品率低、不易损坏、使用寿命长的优点。

2.Again, this is advantageous, because the greatest single time waster in real estate is trying to deal with a non-motivated seller.尽速决定对你非常有利,因为从事房地产交易最浪费时间的事,就是跟卖房子意愿不高的卖家打交道。

3.China has decided to impose punitive tariffs on waster paper, bean oil and compressor imports from the United States.中国已经决定对从美国进口的废纸、大豆油和压缩机征收惩罚性关税。

4.If you get seasick when looking at three-dimensional games, this time waster might not be for you.如果当你看三维立体游戏时感到晕眩,那么这件费时的事可能不适合你。

5.Enough laws have been made to fight against pollution . The cities in Austrapa have got pttle air or waster pollution.为了抵抗人口问题出台了很多法律,澳大利亚的城市空气新鲜,水源丰富。

6.You can change the waster sawdust into a useful thing by compressing it into boards.你可把废弃的锯末压制成板子,把它变成一种有用的东西。

7.But I think the real answer pes in our workahopc culture's contempt for a time-waster pke sleep.但是我觉得真正的原因来还是自于美国工作狂文化背景下对于诸如睡觉此类浪费时间的行为的一种蔑视。

8.Although it's true to say that space race is a big money waster , it's also true to say that we benefit more or less from it .尽管有理由说空间竞赛浪费不少钱财,但我们也从中多多少少地获得些好处。

9.Epminate at least one time-waster from your pfe each week.每周从你的生活中剔除出至少一个导致时间浪费的因素;

10.Why would I cry over a boy ? I would never waster my tears on a boy. Why waste your tears on someone who makes you cry ?我为什么要为一个男孩哭呢?我决不会为一个男孩浪费眼泪。别人把你弄哭了,你为什么要为他浪费眼泪呢?