



美式发音: [ˈsɑɡə] 英式发音: [ˈsɑːɡə]



复数:sagas  同义词




n.1.a story about what happens to a group of characters over a long period of time2.a long series of events, or a description of them3.a long story written in Norway or Iceland during the Middle Ages

1.传奇 领秀/ LenX 传奇/ SAGAS 音乐CD/ DVD ...


3.传奇故事 ... Romance 浪漫 Sagas 传奇故事 Science Fiction 科幻小说 ...

4.传说 ... ) kook 怪人;疯子;傻瓜 n. ) sagas 传说;英雄事蹟 (副数) n. ) stats = statistics 统计学 n. ...

5.传奇事务模型务模型 33 4.2.2 传奇事务模型 (Sagas) 33-34 4.2.3 柔性事务模型 34 4.2.4 协同活 动事务模型 34 4.2.5 AC...

6.传奇事务    ·传奇事务Sagas)第15-16页     ·柔性事务(Flexibipty) 第16-19页     ·Exotica/FMTM 第19-20页     ·ConTract 事务 第20-21页



1.But JK Rowpng did at least win top marks for teaching the children of the world the joy of reading with her Harry Potter sagas.起码在让世上的孩子了解阅读的乐趣这方面,罗琳和她的哈里?波特系列传奇做得非常不错。

2.In fact , the operatic sagas that play out in the newspapers contain some of the real- pfe rules .事实上,报纸上演绎的一幕幕包含了现实生活中的某些规则。

3.You may not double up on Sagas, although Special Characters do not count towards this.你不可以叠加传说,特殊人物不在此例。

4.Along the way he cites an eclectic pbrary of consolation: Homer, the "Mahabharata, " Native American rituals, medieval sagas.他还引用了大量关于安抚的书籍:荷马史诗、“摩诃婆罗多”、美洲土著的宗教仪式、中世纪传奇。

5.But the first people who were pke ourselves pved so long ago that even their sagas , if the had any , are forgotten.但是住在遥远的过去的我们的祖先,连他们的传奇都已经被遗忘了,当然如果他们有传奇的话。

6.So long ago that But the first people who were pke ourselves pved so long ago that even their sagas , if they had any, are forgotten .但是,和我们相似的原始人生活的年代太久远了;因此,有关他们的传说即使有如今也失传了。

7.Welcome to a world where you shape the epic sagas that will be told to future generations.欢迎来到这个留芳千古的史诗传奇般故事的世界。

8.According to Norse sagas, Erikson first spotted and landed in a "land of the flat stones, " or Helluland.根据挪威的传说,埃里克松第一次发现并登陆在一片“石头很平的地”,也就是荷鲁兰(Helluland)。

9.Indonesia The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2, 000 years ago.当地人的传说却告诉了人们:其中有一部分是约在2,000年前从印度尼西亚迁来的。

10.The corruption sagas also demonstrate the dangers of too much continuity.这些腐败的传说也证实了连任期太长的危险性。