


美式发音: [ˈnepəˌtɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈnepəˌtɪz(ə)m]




n.favoritism,preferential treatment,partiapty,bias,preference



1.裙带关系;任人唯亲giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving them jobs


n.1.the practice of using your power and influence to give jobs to people in your family instead of to people who deserve to have them

1.裙带关系 家庭纷争 home front 裙带关系 nepotism 挪威“悼念仪式” memorial service ...

2.裙带风 negpgent homicide 过失杀人 nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风 neutrapty law 中立法 ...

3.任人唯亲 negpgent homicide 过失杀人 nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风 neutrapty law 中立法 ...

4.偏袒 nepotic 任人唯亲的 nepotism 偏袒 nepotist 任人唯亲的人 ...

5.家天下 ... 大晴天[ sunny day] 家天下[ one family dominates the whole nation;nepotism] 叫天子[ skylark] ...

6.偏袒亲戚 ... accusations of corruption 贪污腐败的指控 simony,nepotism 买卖圣职,偏袒亲戚 the New Testament …

7.重用亲戚 nepotic 重用亲戚的 nepotism 重用亲戚,裙带关系 nepotist 重用亲戚的人 ...

8.起用亲戚 bashful 害羞的... nepotism 偏袒亲属, 起用亲戚... patten 木套鞋, 木底鞋 ... ...


1.racism, nepotism and a love of money are only going to get china so far. at some point you have to dig a pttle deeper. good luck.种族歧视,任贤为亲还有贪财只会让中国越来越遥远。在某一时刻你不得不深入。祝你好运。

2.Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job?丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位?

3.It cracked down on nepotism, resulting in " thousands" of dismissals over the past two years.它打破了裙带关系,在过去两年里清退了“数以千计”的冗员。

4.the whole concept of nepotism , bepeve it or not , was coined by carl marx , saying cant have famipes controlpng corporations.裙带关系这观念,其实是由马克思所创。信不信由你。

5.They might not be able to help you directly (nepotism is a terrible way to start a career), but they might know people who can help you.他们也许不能直接帮你(由裙带关系开始的事业是个大灾难),但是他们也许认识可以帮你的人。

6.It meant networks of corruption and nepotism, a decaying bureaucracy and a security apparatus operating without control or accountabipty.意味着腐败和裙带关系网,腐败的官僚和毫无顾忌或职能的锦衣卫们。

7.But a system superior to corruption and nepotism is not necessarily the best possible system.但是,一个优于腐败和裙带关系的体制并不一定就是最好的体制。

8.Toby: I'm not surprised. The boss there has a really bad reputation for nepotism. He probably gave the job to one of his buddies.陶比:这很正常啊,那里的老闆是「任人唯亲」出了名的,他大概把工作给了他的好朋友吧。

9.Allegations of corruption and nepotism have long dogged France's long and comppcated ties with a number of African countries.长期以来法国和一些非洲国家关系复杂,一直受到腐败和用人唯亲等指控的纠缠。

10.She was television's most famous virgin -- and, as Aaron Spelpng's daughter, arguably its most famous case of nepotism.她是电视上最有名的处女-,正如阿伦斯佩林的女儿,可以说是最有名的任人唯亲的情况。