





波特(一种资料处理的速度单位, 即每秒的电码数)



2.翻译:计算机的秒速 baud rate 波特速率 baud
(复同单,或 bauds)
(chiefly Computing)a unit used to express the speed of transmission of electronic signals, corresponding to one information unit or event per second
(主 计算机)波特
翻译:a unit of data transmission speed for a modem of one bit per second (in fact there is usually more than one bit per event)
1930s: coined in French from the name Jean M. E. Baudot (1845–1903), French engineer who invented a telegraph printing system


名词 baud:

(computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems

同义词:baud rate


1. "Invalid baud rate;the baud rate must be a positive value.




3. Address, baud of communication port setting.


4. Mode one and changeable 8 bits baud rate are adopted during communication.


5. The research of the configuration of baud rate on C8051F040 CAN controller


6. Keywords CAN bus;baud rate;CAN protocol;message transfer;


7. Baud Rate Self-detection in Automatic Instrument Based on CAN Bus


8. Analysis on the Baud Rate Parameter Setting of the CAN Bus in Practical Application


9. The communication of CAN firstly needs both sides to match the BUS baud rate,so that serial data can be transmitted and received on CAN BUS.


10. The communication of CAN firstly needs both sides to match the BUS baud rate, so that serial data can be transmitted and received on CAN BUS.


11. Study on the Relationship between the CNC Feed Rate and Baud Rate in DNC System


12. As far as PROFIBUS-DP is concerned,it has a lot of advantages such as high baud rate,strong dependence,simple wiring and convenient maintaining etc.


13. Automatic Baud Rate Detection

n. 自动波特率侦测

14. In the words of Baud White, all missionaries benefited from the Opium War and the treaties signed by China after its defeat.


15. The Baud Rate Field should contain only numbers.


16. It will come to be played the Secret Order of Harley Baud and Phenix Meeting in England and America on July next year.


17. -a quite small procedures C51 serial input and output buffer size baud rate can be set up to install and automatically calculated with the test.

一个很不错C51串口小程序 输入和输出缓冲区可设置大小 波特率自动计算设置并带有测试程序.

18. Design of Single Chip ISP System Based on Variable Baud Rate


19. Improved baud rate estimation by wavelet transform


20. An Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Baud Rate of Serial Communication Terminal


21. Lower PC is programmed with assemble language, set working mode and baud rate of serial port, send and receive data.


22. and the baud rate is 2Mb/s at the opposite direction. The baud rate will meet the communicating demand of the CT.


23. Both return:baud rate value?


24. Serial applications, the serial initialization, baud rate, parity bit and other settings.


25. Baud rate for serial ports.


26. The baud rate of serial-port is set to be 19200bps.


27. Design of Baud Rate Setting in Serial Communication


28. A Method to Automatically Detect the Baud Rate of Serial Communication


29. An Algorithm to Detect Baud Rate


30. A Method To Automatically Detect Baud Rate Of Serial Communication And Its Software Implementation


31. Baud Rate Setting and Its Error Analysis in Serial Communication


32. For improving the baud rate of system, this text adopts the GMSK (Gauss ian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying) modulation method to replace ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) modulation method of current IFCNSS.

为提高系统的传输速率,本文采用GMSK(Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying高斯滤波最小频移键控)调制方式来代替目前“安全通信网”中的ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying幅移键控)调制方式。

33. The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. The console port does not support hardware flow control.


34. Head coach the baud is unable to determine similarly that after the concrete first round name list must wait till the training battalion to start truly, determined.


35. Remote Control:the system could combine more remote controllers,camera lens controller,with ports baud ratio justified,the system providing the way of reservation in turns monitor.


36. A kind of PCI based point to point fibre optical communication system is introduced. The biggest baud rate of communication is 400 Mbps, the longest transmitting distance is more than 40 km.

介绍一种基于 PCI总线的点到点远程高速光纤通讯系统 ,其最大传输速率为 4 0 0 M bit/ s,最大传输距离超过 4 0 km。

37. The paper introduces a method of Automatic Baud Rate Detection in Automatic Instrument based on CAN bus.


38. This paper details a high speed serial communication circuit betwwen the Digital Signal Processor TMS320C50 and PC based on the UART TL16C750.The system can be reliable at the 38400 Baud rate.

介绍了一种数字信号处理器TMS32 0C5 0与PC机的高速通信电路 ,该通信电路结构简单 ,在波特率 3840 0下可以可靠通信。

39. This paper details a high speed serial communica tion circuit betwwen the Digital Signal Processor TMS320C50 and PC based on the UART TL16C750.The system can be reliable at the 38400 Baud rate.


40. This paper intraduces a software method for detecting the hardware protocol(baud rate,data bits,ets)of serial data transfer.

介绍了一种用软件侦测串口底层协议 (波特率、数据位等 )的方法。

41. The high speed data flow transmitted from the satellites is received by the satellite communication earth station and then sent to the data terminal center, the speed of which is up to hundreds of megabytes baud rate.


42. Any NXU-2 can be set up as a sever or a client depending on system needs. The RS-232 connection allows for different baud rates between the sever and client.


43. Upon designing the serial interface Baud rate of single chip machine in the traditional methods, we usually need using oscillator with special frequency.

传统方法设计单片机串行口波特率时 ,往往要使用特殊频率的晶振。

44. low baud light pen

低波特光笔 -1200bps

45. VC visit to serial use, specify the serial baud rate, initiation and termination spaces, continuous read, hexadecimal data show


46. Class using the specified port name, baud rate, parity bit, data bits, and stop bit.


47. Class using the specified port name, baud rate, and parity bit.


48. For example, one baud equals one bit per second in a train of binary signals and one3-bit value per second in a train of signals each of which can assume one of eight different states.


49. Theory of supply chain management is from Baud"s value theory and step by step it becomes a new major, and now is widely utilized in the business to cut down the cost.


50. The world has the very many very many child young people even is the adults all is the Harley baud movie fan.


51. We analyzed the capability of the data collection system and the serial communication principal of data transmission, as well as baud rate, sending and incepting, electric level conversion, etc.


52. The effect of full bit error on the baud rate is also analysed.


53. As a baud rate generator, T1 is worked in mode 2 of a counter. In this way, a very low baud rate can be obtained.

利用定时器 T0中断调用产生的方波作为 T1的计数时钟信号 ,用此方法可得到非常低的波特率

54. Define the Baud Rate of Serial Communication Between PC and Single Chip Microcomputer


55. An Method of Baud Rate Self-reacting Used in Serial Communication for Single Chip


56. Baud Rate Autorequlation in Single-Chip Communication


57. Cartel uses Allport and the Austria baud described that the vocabulary takes his research beginning, the wish promulgates some quantity being suitable, the basic special characteristic dimension.


58. At the same time, we can find out the common serial communication protocol has many shortcomings, such as low baud rate, the lack of collision detection, etc.


59. To advance the performance and stability, the FPGA technic is used to implement the kerneled code including serial bus time-sequence switching to VXI interface time-sequence, the UART, the Parameterized Baud Generator and"Pipeling frame".


60. This paper explains the reason of code-error in network communication, and defines the method of baud rate setting.


61. The method was designed by VHDL and the baud rate can be changed neatly.


62. Therefore, union work practice, passes Baud's"the diamond system theory"and the"industrial cluster"theory looks Xiamen the industry garden area development and the construction.


63. Therefore limit the baud rate to 76,800 baud unless required by job specification and observe the following wiring guidelines.

因此限制鲍率为76,800 鲍除非被工作规格需要而且观察下列各项配线指导方针。

64. Therefore in referring to the data rate of a MODEM, use bits/s (or kbits/s, etc.), not baud rate.

因此,调制器的数据速率往往用比特率(bits/s 或 kbits/s等)而不用波特率表示。

65. Tests show that the online imaging speed can be 20 frames per second while the off-linedata capture rate without imaging can be about 80 frames per second at the baud rate of 115.2Kbps.

在115.2Kbps的波特率下,系统实时成像的速度大约为每秒20幅; 若不进行实时成像,数据采集速度大约为每秒80幅。

66. Baud Number of computer bits transmitted per second over a data communications channel.


67. The research on the baud rate estimation for MPSK/MQAM signals using CZT shows that the proposed estimation algorithm can obtain a baud rate value with a short observation interval.


68. Communication plays an important role in the application of CAN?based controller, P80C592. The communication of CAN firstly needs both sides to match the BUS baud rate, so that serial data can be transmitted and received on CAN BUS.

在对CAN控制器P80C592的应用中,通信是最重要的部分。 CAN通信首先需要双方匹配总线波特率,这样就可以在CAN总线上发送和接收串行数据。

69. “You have been disconnected from the remote computer you dialed. Verify the Baud Rate setting and retry the connection.”


70. “You have been disconnected from the remote computer you dialed. Verify the Baud Rate setting and ret...


71. In this does, the Harry baud, Rowen and the Dutch America lotus three people all are the roles which may operate, their image all is acts according to in the movie version the new image design.


72. According to the requirement of transmiting baud rate, we can divide home network into two parts, one part is intelligence home control network, another is intelligence home information network.


73. And one picture can be transmitted in 30s und er the baud rate is 9 600,which is basically meet the real[CD*2]time requirement .

在波特率为9 600的情况下,可在30s内传输一幅图象, 基本满足实时性要求。

74. In the case of 1Mb/S(Baud Rate) , data transmission is stable and reliable with little de-lay.


75. In this method, the data style and baud rate can be selected by software, the application is quit easy.


76. It was at this point that the difference between baud and bit per second became real.

在这里波特和位每秒的区别得以实现became real。

77. This is useful for high baud rate terminals that need only a minimal delay.


78. In most circumstances, you will want the installer to use the same baud rate as your connection to the EFI console.


79. The baudrate used is 31.25 Baud, fast enough to handle most operators manual typing capabilities.


80. Its data baud rate and the band-time can be good to satisfy the requirement of AIS physics layer.
