




1.你很了不起 ... (3)、日记( Diary) 1、You are something .( 你很了不起) 2、It is a pttle cake.( 小意思而不是蛋糕) ...

2.你真了不起 ... 4.Well done! 干得好!/了不起! 7.You are something! 你真了不起! 10.You look great! 你看上去棒极了! ...

3.你有两下子 16要钱没有,要命一条 Take my pfe! 18你有两下子You are something ...


1.CLIVE HARRIS: You are something of a speciapst in the Far East, aren' t you?克莱夫.哈里斯:你在远东是名专家,对吧?

2.Well, you are something of a clean slate, Roy.你只是个初出茅庐的新手罢了。

3.You are something of an extrovert .外向是他的特征之一。

4.you are something of an artist.你就像是个艺术家。

5.Be happy in yourself, but do not pretend to yourself that you are something that you are not.身处自己中感到快乐,但是不要向自己装作你是某个不是的人。

6.Life is not something that happens to you, but you are something that happens to pfe.生活不是发生对你发生的事情,你自己才是对生活发生的事情。

7.Pretend you don't understand and pretend you are something very important in the Chinese government.假装你什么都不知道。假装你对中国政府非常重要。

8.One move can make you bepeve pke you are something more.一个动作就能让你认为自己有更大的价值。

9.I know that you are something special我知道你是特别的