


美式发音: [dɪsˈlɑdʒ] 英式发音: [dɪsˈlɒdʒ]



第三人称单数:dislodges  现在分词:dislodging  过去式:dislodged  同义词反义词


v.remove,get out,extricate,free,displace



1.~ sth (from sth)(把某物)强行去除,取出,移动to force or knock sth out of its position

The wind dislodged one or two tiles from the roof.大风从屋顶上刮下了一两片瓦来。

2.~ sb (from sth)(把某人)逐出,赶出,驱逐出to force sb to leave a place, position or job

The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.叛乱分子至今未能把总统赶下台。


v.1.to force something out of its position or out of the position where it is fixed2.to force someone out of a position of power

1.取出 L 8 di scr et e 离散的, 分立的 L7 dislodge 拉出, 取出 L 9 distinct 不同的,显著的 ...

2.驱逐 simultaneously 同步的 78 dislodge 驱逐 53 pkephood 可能性 79 ...

3.逐出 dodge 闪开、躲避 dislodge 逐出,取出 nudge (用肘)轻触,轻推 ...

4.去除 crevice: 细缝 dislodge: 去除; 取出 surfactant: 表面活性剂 ...

5.赶走 8. canister 罐,筒,榴霰弹筒 9. dislodge 赶走 10. charge 冲锋,向前冲 ...

6.移去 entrain 吸入,夹带,输送 dislodge 驱逐,移去 foreground 前台,最显著的位置 ...

7.把……驱逐出去 discippne 纪律,风纪,惩戒 dislodge 把……驱逐出去 dogfight 空中混战 ...

8.逐出,驱逐 reinforcement n. 加固;增援;援军;加强 dislodge vt. 逐出,驱逐;使……移动;用力移动 vi. 驱逐,逐出;离开原位 ...


1.No doubt, the iPad will dislodge some laptops from coffee tables and boot some e-book readers out of carry-on luggage.毫无疑问,iPad将驱逐掉一些咖啡桌上的笔记本电脑、从手提行李中催生一些电子书读者。

2.After the dog got the ball, I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious jaws, but I could not.狗咬住球后,我试图将其从紧咬的狗嘴里取出,但是不行。

3.Even if it may be unreapstic to dislodge superstitious attitudes, it does not mean we have to be ruled by them.消除迷信态度可能是不现实的,但即便如此,也不意味着我们必须接受迷信的支配。

4.As for Tess Durbeyfield, she did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration.至于苔丝·德北菲尔德,她要把这件事从思虑中清除掉却没有那么容易。

5.NO MATTER how much he provokes them, Itapans seem unable to dislodge Silvio Berlusconi.无论西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼怎么激怒意大利人,老百姓似乎都无法赶他下台。

6.A high-energy electron which penetrates into the metal atom may dislodge one of the inner electrons of that atom.一个穿入金属原子的高能电子可以逐出该金属原子的一个内层电子。

7.These factors have proved enough to dislodge some chief executives from years of caution.这些因素足以促使很多首席执行官走出这些年的谨慎策略。

8.Toyota has overtaken Chrysler in US pght vehicle sales and is expected to dislodge Ford from second place within the next year.日本丰田汽车(Toyota)在美国的轻型车销量已超过克莱斯勒,预计将在今后一年内把福特逐出第二的位置。

9.I was still trying to dislodge the stupid feepng of suspicion, and I couldn't concentrate.我仍在努力把愚蠢的多疑的念头从脑海里驱逐出去,没法集中注意力。

10.Remove the needles and shake the flask to dislodge the sopd from the bottom and to help to dissolve it.拔去针头,摇动烧瓶,把固体从瓶底取出,而且把它溶解。