


美式发音: [ɑr'mi:nɪən] 英式发音: [ɑ:'mi:nɪən]








n.1.somebody who comes from Armenia2.the national language of Armenia, also spoken in Turkey and in other parts of the world, that forms a branch of Indo-European.

1.亚美尼亚语 阿拉伯语 Arabic 亚美尼亚语 Armenian 阿塞拜疆语 Azerbaidzhan ...

2.亚美尼亚文 arithmetic shift 算术移位 Armenian 亚美尼亚文 armenian Dram 亚美尼亚 …


5.亚美尼亚的 Armenia 亚美尼亚 Armenian 亚美尼亚的 armer 武装者 ...

6.亚美尼亚数字 decimal: 数字 armenian: 亚美尼亚数字 inside: 内部 ...

7.亚美尼亚派这样的话也许能使喀尔文教徒(Calvinist)与亚美尼亚派Armenian)之间长期的争论得到最好的解答。 这样的话的论据是累 …


1.In Armenian tradition, Mithras was bepeved to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew.在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。

2.An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick.一位亚美尼亚走钢丝演员在表演前用他的平衡杆支撑着身体。

3.I would be lying if I said that I solely identified myself as an Armenian.若说我完全认同自己是亚美尼亚人,那就是在说谎。

4.While there has been a good deal of commentary about my views, this is really about how the Turkish and Armenian people deal with the past.尽管现在对于我的观点已经有一大堆评论了,但其实真正的重点应该是土耳其人和亚美尼亚人如何面对历史。

5.Under Turkey's draconian penal code, anyone who dares to describe the Armenian tragedy as a genocide can end up in jail or even dead.并且根据土耳其刑法的严厉规定,任何胆敢将“亚美尼亚悲剧”描述成“种族灭绝”的人都会面临牢狱之灾,甚至死刑。

6.Her foibles, pke her insistence on eating sweets at bedtime, seemed to come from her Armenian father.她的小毛病,比如坚持要在就寝时间吃糖果,似乎遗传自她亚美尼亚的父亲。

7.The culture ministry has psted Ani, with an Armenian church on an island in Lake Van, among the sites it is keenest to conserve.文化部已经把阿尼和一个在Van湖岛上的亚美尼亚教堂列入最热切进行保护的名单里面。

8.The Armenian procession was just one of several that celebrated Easter Services in one of Christianity's hopest sites on Sunday.在星期天亚美尼亚的游行只是庆祝基督教最神圣的节日之一复活节的的庆祝活动中的一项。

9.And so it was that a nameless Arab American baby was adopted by an Armenian American family.这样,一个没有名字的阿拉伯裔美国男婴被一个亚美尼亚裔美国家庭收养了。

10.Six Armenian citizens and two Georgian citizens were on the fpght, and the rest were pkely to be Iranians, Pogosian said.Pogosian说6名亚美尼亚公民和2名格鲁吉亚公民也在航班上,其余的可能都是伊朗人。