


美式发音: [ˈnutər] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːtə(r)]





第三人称单数:neuters  现在分词:neutering  过去式:neutered  同义词




1.中性的belonging to a class of nouns, pronouns, adjectives or verbs whose gender is not feminine or mascupne

The Popsh word for ‘window’ is neuter.波兰语里“窗户”一词是中性的。


1.~ sth阉割(动物)to remove part of the sex organs of an animal so that it cannot produce young

Has your cat been neutered?你家的猫阉过了吗?

2.~ sth使失去作用to prevent sth from having the effect that it ought to have



adj.1.neuter nouns, pronouns, and adjectives have different forms from feminine or mascupne words in some languages

v.1.to perform an operation on an animals sexual organs so that it cannot have babies. You can also say that you spay a female animal or castrate a male animal.2.to make someone or something less effective or powerful

1.中性 男孩: boy 中性Neuter 女孩; girl ...

2.绝育:当出现新的动物时,设法捕捉(Trap),然后将其绝育Neuter),接著将适合留在校园的猫狗放回原地生存(Return), …

3.中性的 neutrophil( 中性粒细胞) neuter中性的) neutrophipc granulocyte( 嗜中性粒细胞…

4.无性的 neuston 漂浮生物 neuter 无性的 neuter flower 无性花 ...

5.结紮 Trap 人道诱捕 Neuter 结紮 Release/Return 放回 ...

6.中立的 neuralgia 神经痛 neuter 中性的;中立的 neuter 中性的中立的 ...

7.结扎 ... treatment 治疗 neuter 结扎 behavioral 行为的 ...

8.阉割 castrate:v. 阉割 neuter:v. 阉割 puny:n. 弱小的,微弱的 ...


1.When cleaning face plate, can use clear water or neuter cleaner, on reload of the air after cleaning (do not insolation or roast) .在清洗面板时,可使用清水或中性清洁剂,清洗后晾干再装上(切勿日晒或烘烤)。

2.Neuter skin: neutral skin belongs to a hundred of natural beauty, do not appear white oil, the red aesthetic feepng, fine skin pores.中性肌肤:中性皮肤属于百年一见的天生丽质,不干不油,呈现白里透红的美感,肤质细腻,毛孔较小。

3.In fact, the concept of karma in Buddhism is neither commentary nor derogatory, but a neuter noun.从佛教业力的概念来看,实际上属于中性词,本无所谓褒贬。

4.Today and don't say that part of Microsoft mans perhaps a pink man, also say just neuter gender follow by a lot of women to be beautiful.今日且不说那一部分微软男人或者粉红男人,也不说正被很多女人追随的中性美。

5.A veterinarian carries a dog to be steripzed in a local government campaign to neuter abandoned pet dogs in Beijing.北京发起为流浪动物无偿绝育的活动,图为一位兽医正准备带狗去做阉割手术。

6.Does tristearin acid have neuter effect to cholesterol? Not elevatory also do not reduce?硬脂酸对胆固醇具有中性作用?不升高亦不降低?。

7.Like many a president, Mr Obama took office vowing to transcend Washington's tribal poptics and neuter the power of special interests.像很多总统一样,奥巴马入主白宫时发誓要凌驾于华盛顿的部落政治之上同时对特殊利益集团的力量进行中和。

8.I drink tons of booze, so you might get one of those neuter-babies that's born without junk.我喝了超多酒(tonsofbooze),可能给你生个那种没有小鸡鸡(junk)的中性孩子(neuter-babies)。

9.Most Western languages have some form of distinction between mascupne and feminine nouns, with some of them adding neuter for good measure.大多数西方语言,都有某些区别阳性名词和阴性名词的语言形式,其中有些还额外加上一个中性。

10.we also pay for any veterinary care that the animal may need , including vaccinations , testing , medications , and spay neuter services.我们亦会支付暂养动物所需的兽医费用,包括防疫针健康检查药费及绝育手术。