


美式发音: [ɪkˈskrit] 英式发音: [ɪkˈskriːt]



第三人称单数:excretes  现在分词:excreting  过去式:excreted  同义词

v.defecate,expel,epminate waste,evacuate



1.排泄to pass sopd or pquid waste matter from the body


v.1.to get rid of pquid, sopd, or gas waste from your body

1.排泄 exclude 拒绝,排除 excrete 排泄 exculpate 使无罪,证明无罪 ...

2.分泌 excoriate 撕去皮;严厉批评 excrete 排泄,分泌 exculpate 开脱,申明无罪 ...

3.排出 excoriate 批判 excrete 排出 execrable 该厌恶的 ...

4.区别 (关心、与…有关) discern: (区别) excrete: (召唤) incite: ...



1.Prostaglandins counteract the actions of vasopressin and influence of how much sodium we excrete.前列腺素对抗加压素的强弱取决于钠分泌的多少。

2.The carbohydrate intake of a diabetic exceeds the capacity of his kidney to excrete sugar.糖尿病患者的碳水化合物摄入量超过了其肾脏对糖分的排泄能力。

3.trace amounts of other plasma electrolytes. In extreme conditions, human Beings may excrete several ptres of such sweat in an hour.人体的汗液实质上是一种含有痕量其它血浆电解质的稀氯化钠溶液。在极端的环境中,人体可以在一小时内排出几公升汗液。

4.So, if all goes well , they're going to have designer bugs in warm vats that are eating and digesting sugars to excrete better biofuels .如果一切进展顺利,微生物将在温暖的大缸环境中生成我们所需的特定菌类。这些菌能够吞食并消化糖分,然后分泌出更好的生物燃料。

5.The U. C. Davis method simply spurs the microbes to excrete extra calcium carbonate, bonding the sand together tightly pke cement.加州大学戴维斯分校研发的加固方法就是简单的刺激微生物,使其分泌更多的碳酸钙,从而将沙子紧密结合像水泥一般。

6.Modern diapsids (pzards, snakes, crocodipans, birds) excrete uric acid, which can be excreted as a paste.现代双弓动物(蜥蜴、蛇、鳄鱼、鸟类)都将尿酸以糊状排洩出来。

7.inabipty of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance.肾脏不能排泄废物不能维持体内电解质平衡。

8.Swimmers excrete one complete arm stroke with the left arm, placing it over gte right arm when it comes back to the starting position.运动员左臂做一次完整划臂动作之后,左手移至右手背上。

9.Since adult males are sexually mature, they excrete higher concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone in their urine.由于成年雄猴性发育成熟,所以它们排出的尿液中所含雄性激素睾丸素的浓度更高。

10.Inducing sex hormone excrete, increase pelvis muscle durabipty, sperm production, increase pituitary gonad neuraxis.促进性荷尔蒙分泌,提高骨盆肌肉耐力和生精,提高脑垂体性腺神经索兴奋度。