




1.圣玛丽豪森(Muhlhausen,今奥地利境内),他登上圣玛丽教堂Saint Mary)的布道台以高吭的声音,激愤的言辞谴责这个不公 …

4.圣马里夏朗德省 圣凯瑟琳区( Saint Catherine) 圣玛丽区Saint Mary) 汉诺威区( Hanover) ...

6.圣女玛丽亚在基督教文化中,一般称其为“圣母”(Holy Mother)、“圣女玛丽亚”(Saint Mary)。作为圣子基督的生母,玛丽亚在犹太教、基督教 …

7.圣母玛丽亚注四十四:圣母玛丽亚Saint Mary),耶稣(Jesus)的生母,大多数基督教(Christianity)信徒认同「新约圣经」〈New Te…


1.It was impossible to miss the white sign that hung over the wall of Saint Mary's high school lacrosse field yesterday.昨天,在圣玛丽高中曲棍球场地的围墙上,高悬着一句白色的标语,要我怀念那东西绝对是没戏的。

2.It shows a woman, presumably Saint Mary, her head pouring with blood, standing in front of foreign-looking priests.画里一位妇人,似是圣母玛利亚,头冒献血,把一群外国面孔的神父挡在身后。

3.A personal interview with a Saint Mary's University representative may be required.可能会要求与学校代表进行面试。

4.Saint Mary's principal, Frank Philpps, says knowing Chinese will help students in a world where China is quickly gaining economic power.弗兰克·菲利普斯---圣玛丽学校的校长,说道了解汉语有助于世界各地的学生知道中国的经济实力正在快速增长。

5.It has been performed since the 15th century in the Basipca of Saint Mary of Elche with special permission from the Pope.从15世纪开始,该剧就得到罗马教皇的特别许可在圣玛丽大教堂演出。

6.Ray graduated from Saint Mary's University with a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Administration- Management in May 1996.邱瑞蒙在西元1996年五月毕业于加拿大圣玛莉大学商业贸易管理学系。

7.Saint Mary's School is a private college preparatory school in Medford, Oregon, in the Pacific Northwest.圣玛丽学校是位于太平洋西北部俄勒冈州梅德福的私立学院预备学校。

8.The foursome settled on Saint Vincent-Saint Mary High School, a parochial school in downtown Akron.在四人安置圣文森特-圣玛丽高中,狭隘的学校设在闹市区的阿克伦。

9.Gnome Features: this restaurant dining room 14 to decorate, still statue saint Mary, is a Cathopc.14餐厅特色:该餐厅以圣人雕像做装饰,还有圣母玛利亚,是天主教的最爱。

10.Zhu Junhuan was depghted. Her great-grandmother became Saint Mary Zhu.朱娟环却非常高兴:太祖母成了圣玛丽-朱。