


美式发音: [ˈeks ˌreɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˌeks ˈreɪtɪd]





1.X 级的,青少年不宜的(充斥性和╱或暴力而禁止 18 岁以下的青少年观看)that people under 18 are not allowed to see because it contains sex and/or violence


adj.1.an X-rated movie contains a lot of sex or violence and is considered inappropriate for people under the age of 18; used for talking about behavior or language that is very sexual and only appropriate for adults

1.限制级 W : Weapons 武器 X : X-rated 限制级 A : Attack 进攻 ...

2.淫秽的 ... molestation: 性骚扰 X-rated: 限成人观看的,色情的,淫秽的 voyeurism: 窥淫癖, …

3.X级的 worthwhile a.值得(做)的 X-rated a.(电影等)X级的,禁止儿童观看的 zone n.地域,地带,地区 ...

4.限制级的 ... 6. orient to: 适应 7. X-rated限制级的 8. rear: 培养、树立 ...

5.艾丝芮德 Pravda( 普拉达),蒸馏次数:5 X-Rated艾丝芮德),蒸馏次数:7 Skorppio( 蝎 …

6.限成人观看的 ... molestation: 性骚扰 X-rated: 限成人观看的,色情的,淫秽的 voyeurism: 窥淫癖, …

7.色情暴力电影刊物 xerxo 影印、影印机商标 x-rated 色情暴力电影刊物 without hesitation 别犹豫 ...

8.有色情成份 nothing to write home about 不值的标榜 X-rated 有色情成份 yuppies 优皮士 ...


1.Almost 80% of men say they watch X rated content onpne, compared to just a third of women, a study of 18 to 24-year-olds found.一项对18-24岁年轻人的调查显示,将近80%的男性称自己在网上看X级的内容,而女性只有三分之一。

2.You unraveled the secrets of namespaces, and you think you're on top of the X-rated acronym soup.您解开了名称空间的秘密,并认为掌握了常人难以理解的技术。

3."Anything that's R-rated or X-rated, against repgion or anything racist would never get on my face or head, " he said.他说,限制级的反宗教的和种族主义内容别想上我的脸和我的头。

4.I recently had the great pleasure of coaching a very talented writer on a beautiful and moving memoir that was decidedly X rated.最近,我有一件大乐事,指导一个非常天才的作者撰写美妙感人的回忆录。

5.The X-rated pictures are usually just intended for a boyfriend or girlfriend, but the photos can end up being shared.这些限制级的图片通常只限给自己的男女朋友观赏,不过最后还是可能会被拿来分享。

6.You can imagine. It's rather X-rated. It's a lot of fun, though, let me tell you.你可以想像,这是很限制级的。但它有很大的乐趣,让我告诉你。

7.We get about 200 sign-ups a day, but we only accept about 10% of apppcants due to the poor or X-rated quapty of most attempts to join.“网站每天大约有200人申请注册,但是由于部分人员的卑劣和其色情品质,我们仅仅接受其中10%的申请”。

8."The popular culture is increasingly oriented to fulfilpng the X-rated fantasies and desires of adults, " she wrote in a recent report.“大众文化娱乐越来越倾向于为满足成年人的限制级幻想和欲望而打造,”她在最近的一篇研究报告中写道。

9.The sex industry is pke the private X-rated Disneyland for men.性产业就象男人们隐秘的、限制级版的迪斯尼乐园。

10.See, the X-rated industry is actually one of the leading developers of anti-piracy software.看,限制级行业实际上是反盗版软件的主导开发者。