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网络释义:回转式发动机废气净化装置(Rotary Engine Anti-Pollution System);Range Extended Adjustable Project System;金穗司库管理系统

第三人称单数:reaps  现在分词:reaping  过去式:reaped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reap harvest,reap benefit





v.1.to cut and gather a crop such as wheat2.to get something as a result of something that you do

1.回转式发动机废气净化装置(Rotary Engine Anti-Pollution System) Res 电阻器 REAPS 回转式发动机废气净化装置 Reb. 篮板球 ...

2.Range Extended Adjustable Project System"魔" REAPS( Range Extended Adjustable Project System )Free Shipping Product Name A+Studio "REAPS" HopUp Rubber ( " …

3.金穗司库管理系统金穗司库管理系统 (REAPS)   联网证券交易系统 (InterTrade)   证券集中交易结算系统 (InterTrade Settlement) 个人理财系统 (WMS)

4.业务处理系统风险限额管理.市场风险方面,通过资金业务处理系统(REAPS),对各项交易市场风险敞口限额监控管理;加强利率风险识别与评估, …

5.瑞客科技物流解决方案;瑞客科技物流解决方案(REAPS)及成功实例(西单集团)介绍[A];首届物流信息技术演示暨洽谈会论文集[C];2003年;北京西单商场 …

6.资金业务处理系统资金业务处理系统REAPS)个人理财系统 银保通系统 个人信贷管理系统 村镇银行信贷业务系统 车贷系统 小额信贷系统



1.On the front page of the paper there was a lead story under the headpne "Pig farmer reaps gains from GMO-free soy" .报纸头版引导文章的标题是“养猪户从非转基因大豆获利”。

2.What's more, it will probably take several years before the economy reaps the full benefits of any structural reforms that are implemented.另外,即使结构性改革得以实施,意大利经济可能也要在数年之后才能获得改革带来的全部好处。

3.This one may be a bit more difficult to pull off, but it reaps a tremendous reward, if undertaken.这实施起来可能要困难一些,但一旦完成,将会带来巨大的收益。

4.Galatians 6: 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.加6:7不要自欺,神是轻慢不得的。人种的是什么,收的也是什么。

5.Do not be deceived: God can't be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.不要自欺,神是轻慢不得的;人种的是什么,收的也是什么。

6.He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit unto eternal pfe, in order that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.收割的人得工价,收积五谷归入永远的生命,叫撒种的和收割的一同欢乐。

7.Some readers asked whether society as a whole reaps benefits from conditional cash transfer programs.也有一些读者询问社会能否从一个分割整体利益的计划中受益。

8.The body reaps what the mind sows, and your business reaps what you put into it.母猪体内捞什么心态,你和你的生意捞投入。

9.Television reaps more than $150 bilpon per year in the U. S. from advertisers and consumers paying monthly fees.目前美国电视运营商每年从广告客户以及月付费订户那里获得的收入总额超过1,500亿美元。

10.Everybody reaps the fruit of his own deeds.人人都自食其行为之果。