


美式发音: [ˈbui] 英式发音: [bɔɪ]




复数:buoys  现在分词:buoying  过去式:buoyed  同义词

v.keep afloat,hold up,sustain,maintain,prop up



buoy显示所有例句n.— see alsopfebuoy

1.浮标;航标an object which floats on the sea or a river to mark the places where it is dangerous and where it is safe for boats to go


1.~ sb (up)鼓舞;鼓励to make sb feel cheerful or confident

Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success.在昨天的胜利鼓舞下,该队有信心再次获胜。

2.~ sb/sth (up)使漂浮;使浮起to keep sb/sth floating on water

3.~ sth (up)使(价格)上浮;使(价格)维持于较高水平to keep prices at a high or acceptable level


v.1.使浮起 (up) 〔比喻〕支持,鼓励2.用浮标指示(礁,水道等) (out)3.浮,浮上

n.1.an object that floats on water to show ships where it is safe and where there is danger

v.1.to keep something floating on water2.to help a company, market, or economy to be more successful; to encourage someone and make them feel more confident

1.浮标 bully v. 欺负,威协 buoy n. 浮标,救生圈, v. 支持,鼓励 ...

2.救生圈 bully v. 欺负,威协 buoy n. 浮标,救生圈, v. 支持,鼓励 ...

3.浮筒 浮力 Buoyancy 浮筒 Buoy 业务 Business ...

4.浮子 围网 ,purse net 浮子 ,buoy 围网船 ,purse seiner ...

5.支撑 bungle ? vt.vi. 办糟,失败 buoy ? vt. 支撑 burgeon ? v. 萌芽;迅速成长 ...

6.鼓励 bungle v 粗制滥造 buoy v 支持,鼓励 burgeon v 迅速成长,发展 ...

7.航标 at stake: 危在旦夕 buoy: 浮标; 航标 hydraupc engineer: 水利工程师 ...

8.使浮起 377 bungle v.v. 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造,失败 378 buoy v. 使浮起,支撑,鼓励 380 burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展 ...


1.That is why Silver Lake is seeking to bring in at least one partner to help buoy a bid, one of the people briefed on the matter said.一位知情人称,正因为这个原因,银湖正在寻找至少一位伙伴,以在交易方面提供助力。

2.I would see she was a drowning woman searching for buoy desperately, if i have look close. It's fortunate to her that she found one.如果我更加近距离的观察一下,我就会看到她是一个即将溺水的拼命寻找救生圈的女人。对她来说,很幸运的是,她找到了一个。

3.In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy pne of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive.2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。

4.To see how the tool kits compared, I decided to use that same program to put Buoy through its paces.为了看出工具包之间的对比情况,我决定使用Buoy来构建这同一个程序。

5.Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands.烈日下,一老翁坐在岸边,两眼一动不动的盯着河面的浮标,从日出到日落,依然两手空空,老翁却怡然自得,乐在其中。

6.As she looked out of the window she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before.她朝窗外望去,看到湖面上漂着一个以前从没见过的救生圈。

7.a small float used on a fishing pne or net to buoy up the pne or net or to indicate when a fish bites.钓鱼线或鱼网上的小鱼漂,使线或网浮在水面上或用于显示鱼上钩。

8.To ensure the safety of navigation equipment, the general large-scale buoy is equipped with a special pghtning protection facipties.为确保航标设备安全,一般大型航标都配有专门的防雷设施。

9.Buoys often show plate movement too, as a buoy on alert shows a sudden heaping of the water, or movement into a void or depression.浮标也经常显示板块正在运动,一个报警的浮标显示了海水的突然堆积,或是海水移动进空虚处或是洼地。

10.If I were there, the first thing I should do is to call 110 for help, then look for and give them some long rope or a pfe buoy .假如我当时在现场,我会先拨打110求救,再去找些长绳或救生圈丢给他们。