




1.在……的东海岸 the name of… …… 的名字 on the east coast of在……的东海岸 from…to… 从……到…… ...

2.在…的东海洋线上 5. on the east coast of…… 在…的东海洋线上. 6. be the capital of…… 是…的首都. ...


1.Located on the east coast of Sicily, Taormina is often described as the epitome of southern Itapan beach towns.陶尔米纳位于西西里岛东岸,往往被认为是意大利南部最具代表性的海边小镇。

2.Whence comes it, I [Anderson] may ask, that the price of grain is always higher on the west than on the east coast of Scotland?苏格兰西海岸谷物价格总是高于东海岸,我(安德森)想问,其原因何在?

3.New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean.纽约市建立在美国东海岸的一群岛屿上,那儿是好几条河流入海的交汇点。

4.Myanmar Sandoway beach - located on the East coast of Myanmar, the beach is one of the almost perfect beaches in the world.缅甸Sandoway海滩-缅甸位于东海岸,海滩是世界上近乎完美的海滩之一。

5.We have had our share of outlaws, though. Many famous pirates had their headquarters on the east coast of Canada.我们一直和你们进行司法合作,尽管这样,很多著名的海盗在加拿大的西海岸设立他们的老巢。

6.The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states on the east coast of the continent.夏威夷是个新成立的州,离开美国大陆东海岸各州都很远。

7.In case you haven't heard, we've had some snow over here on the east coast of the United States.听见了没,我们这儿美国东海岸有好多好多雪了。

8.Recently, biologists monitoring a colony of seabirds on the east coast of Scotland noticed a strange and terrible thing: infanticide.最近,海鸟生物学家们监测在苏格兰东海岸发现了一个奇怪、可怕的事情——杀婴现象。

9.And then we watched, as one case arrived on the East Coast of the United States and it marched every year, westwardly.接着,我们就看到第一例感染个案出现在美国东海岸其后每一年都逐渐西移你知道吗?

10.The waves will reach Guangdong and Fujian on the east coast of China at around 12. 30pm GMT but experts do not expect significant damage.海浪预计大约在中午12点30分(格林尼治时间)到达中国东部海岸的广东和福建,但是专家估计不会造成太大破坏。