


美式发音: [ɪntʃt] 英式发音: [ɪntʃt]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of inch

1.英寸刻度的 inchage 英寸单位长度 inched 英寸刻度的 inching switch 微调开关 ...


1.The bank's worry was that today's inflation, which inched up to 4. 1% in July, might influence how wages and prices are set for the future.央行的担忧是目前在[font=Verdana]7[font=宋体]月份已达[font=Verdana]4.1%[font=宋体]的通货膨胀率可能影响未来工资和价格的制定。

2.As the front pne of fighting between rebels and government forces inched closer to Ajdabiya, the city remained relatively calm.随着政府军和反对派战士之间战斗前线一步一步逼近Ajdabiya,这座城市显得相对平静。

3.Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front.他把手指嵌入窗户的密封垫,缓慢地向车头运动。

4.Over the last decade, the Chinese have steadily inched up in the rankings of supercomputers.在过去的十年中,中国的超级计算机排名一直在稳步攀升。

5.Meanwhile, Russian stocks inched higher Monday after bouncing back on Friday after a week of heavy losses.与此同时,俄罗斯股市经过一周的暴跌和周五的反弹后,周一小幅上涨。

6.She inched her way along, never letting herself so much as bpnk, even when her eyes burned.她一寸寸沿着那线行,即使双目烧灼,也不让自己眨一下眼。

7.Quietly, so as not to disturb the child's mother, he rose from the bed and inched toward the cradle.为了不吵醒孩子的母亲,他轻轻起来,一点点挪近女儿的摇篮。

8.I inched backward. Then I turned and tiptoed toward the Indian and Vargas and in a whisper told them what I had seen.然后转过身来,踮着脚尖走到印第安人和瓦格斯那里,低声告诉他们我所看见的情况。

9.The children inched through the traffic .孩子们在拥挤的交通中缓慢前进。

10.Beer and wine sales have inched up as well over the last few years.啤酒和葡萄酒的销量在过去几年里节节升高。