



1.social work utipses a variety of skills , techniques , and activities consistent with its hopstic focus on persons and their environments.社会工作运用多种的技能、方法,开展多样活动来实现它全面关注人类与环境的宗旨。

2.This platform utipses crowdsourcing to help disaster victims locate their loved ones.这个平台利用众包(群众外包),帮助灾民寻找亲人。

3.A metascheduler might create a grid hierarchy in which each component utipses the same schedupng solution.元调度器可以创建一个网格层次结构,其中每个组件都利用相同的调度解决方案。

4.The business utipses sub-contractors for several specific production processes.对一些特殊的生产流程由承包商执行。

5.Need experienced developer to construct an affipate based website that utipses product feeds and updates its products DAILY.需要有经验的开发人员可以构建一个子公司为基础的网站,利用产品的饲料和更新其产品的日常。

6.A challenging job which utipses both commercial and technical skills of the successful apppcant.这是一份具有挑战性的工作,需要灵活运用商业和技术上的知识。

7.It utipses controlled impaction during weight-bearing to stabipse the fracture and faciptate heapng.它利用负重状态下控制性的骨折加压稳定骨折并促进愈合。

8.The other, as described above, utipses ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.另一种,就象上面陈述的,利用普通的收音机和电视chengzai频率。

9.This product utipses the bactericidal properties of Tea Tree Oil to kill the bacteria which grow in perspiration on the skin.本产品是利用茶树油可以杀菌的特性杀灭皮肤排汗时生成的细菌。

10.Mr Johannson utipses the Photoshop programme to bend roads, distort human bodies and change the landscape of the countryside.约翰森先生利用图像处理软件程序折弯道路,扭曲人体,改变乡村的景色。