




1.八位元 指针0,空( pointer 0, null) 字符集,8位( character set, 8-bit) C++保护模型( C++ model of protection) ...



1.Do not bother ringing up a Wall Street bank with a bit of business at 8am tomorrow.别忙着在明天早晨8点打电话给一家华尔街银行去咨询业务。

2.But the UK bepeves that the US authorities will not run out of money in August and that the Obama administration has "a bit of space" .不过英国相信,美国当局不会在8月份耗光资金,奥巴马政府拥有“一点回旋空间”。

3.With all that out of the way, you should understand that an OMG IDL char is an 8-bit quantity that can represent a character in two ways.解决了所有问题后,您应该知道OMGIDLchar是一个8位变量,可以用两种方法表示一个字符。

4.So far this year, his fund is up 8% net of fees, though it is down a bit this month, he said.他说,今年截至目前,他的基金扣除费用后涨了8%,不过本月小幅下跌。

5.Fails to satisfy at least the requirements 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 (there is quite a bit of error checking before code generation, though).这个框架至少不能满足要求2,4,5,6,8(尽管在代码生成之前有一些错误的检查)。

6.Professor Heather said the 'binge drinking pmit' could be set to eight units a day, 'or maybe a bit lower'.希瑟教授说,限酒令将每天喝酒的量规定在8个单位以内,或者比这个更低。

7.There wasn't everything working, the team was in a bit of a rush, the mechanics were only sleeping a couple of hours per night.不是每样东西都起作用了,车队冲的有点太猛了,技师们每晚只睡几个钟头(我也只睡几个钟头,8个)。

8.Your home may be getting quite a bit of attention this month too, for Mars will be touring this sector from August 1 to 25.你的家(房子)也会在这个月里得到一些关注,因为8月1-25日,火星会这个扇形面内运动。

9.Her boss is really nice and gives her eight weeks vacation a year so she can travel with us a bit.她老板挺不错的,每年给8周假期,这样她就能偶尔跟我们一起去比赛地了。

10.What if the Beijing authorities decided that, in order to generate their targeted 8% economic growth, a bit of depreciation was required?如果为了实现经济增长8%的目标,中国政府决定需要一定程度的货币贬值,怎么办?