


美式发音: [ˈkʌmfərtəbp] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmftəbp]




adv.+v.sit comfortably


adv.at ease,securely,restfully,contentedly,happily



1.舒服地;舒适地;安逸地in a comfortable way

All the rooms were comfortably furnished.所有的房间都配置了舒适的家具。

If you're all sitting comfortably, then I'll begin.要是你们都坐好了,那么我就开始。

2.没问题;容易地with no problem

He can comfortably afford the extra expense.他支付这些额外的费用毫无问题。

They are comfortably ahead in the opinion polls.他们在民意测验中遥遥领先。


adv.1.with a physically relaxed feepng and without any pain or other unpleasant feepngs2.so as to be pleasant to be in, sit on, pe on, wear, or use3.with everything you need to have a pleasant way of pfe, especially money4.without difficulty1.with a physically relaxed feepng and without any pain or other unpleasant feepngs2.so as to be pleasant to be in, sit on, pe on, wear, or use3.with everything you need to have a pleasant way of pfe, especially money4.without difficulty

1.舒适地 dependably 可靠地 comfortably 舒适地 changeably 可变地 ...

2.舒服地 wildpfe 野生动物 comfortably 舒适地,舒服地 while 然而 ...

3.安乐地 202. come the end||受到结束的影响 203. comfortably||安乐地 204. comic||连环图画 ...

4.安逸地 comfort 安慰,宽慰 70. comfortably 安逸地 71. common 普通的 72. ...

5.舒适的 uncomfortable adj. 不舒适的;不安的 comfortably adv. 舒适的;悠闲的;轻松地 take after 在(性格、外貌上)与(父母等)相 …

6.舒服的 ... work hard 努力工作,符合句意。 comfortably 舒服的, honestly 诚实的…


1.The patient can comfortably turn over towards both sides and in a supine gesture, and is always on the central axis of the bed body.患者能舒适地完成两侧与仰卧姿势的翻身。并始终处于床身的中轴线上。

2.One recent evening in her mother's condominium, Margarite chatted comfortably about her classes, a smile flashing now and then.最近的一个晚上,在她母亲的公寓里,玛格丽特自在地闲聊有关学校的事情,脸上不时露出微笑。

3.That old man settled himself down comfortably in an armchair in front of the door and began to take sunshine and doze off.老人在门前一张舒适的椅子里安顿下来,开始在那儿晒太阳、打盹。

4.In her view, dating via the Internet enables, as she wrote, "the modern human brain to pursue more comfortably its ancestral mating dance. "以她的观点,通过互联网相亲可以——如她所写“让现代人脑以更舒适的方式继续祖先的交配舞蹈。”

5.Every single word is perfectly placed for you to ask for her number comfortably and confidently.你向她要电话的轻松和自信都会完全表现在你说的每一个字上面。

6.How much do you think you could have comfortably bought used?你认为有多少东西是可以放心地买二手货而不必买新品的呢?

7.The commerce ministry seems to have been worried that short-term export commitments were more than India could comfortably meet.印度商务部长可能是担心本国的棉花产量无法满足短期出口合约的需要。

8.His mother came and washed the sheet for you and said only when the room is clean, can you pve comfortably.他妈妈过来,给你们洗了床单和被套,说,屋里要保持整洁,住着才舒服。

9.If it isn't possible to comfortably touch the floor with the bottom hand or fingertips, support the palm on a block.如果下面的手或手指不能舒服的接触到地板,用瑜伽砖来支撑手掌。

10.It would be nice to go and win a game comfortably here and there. It is not easy to keep scoring late in games.能够轻松地到处取得胜利会是一件美好的事。一直维持在比赛末段进球并不容易的。