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网络释义:高分子发光二极体(Polymer Light Emitting Diode);聚合物发光二极管;高分子有机发光二极体

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v.1.to ask for something in an urgent or emotional way2.to say in a court of law whether you are guilty of a crime or not3.to mention something as an excuse for doing or not doing something4.to try to show that something is important or worth trying to achieve1.to ask for something in an urgent or emotional way2.to say in a court of law whether you are guilty of a crime or not3.to mention something as an excuse for doing or not doing something4.to try to show that something is important or worth trying to achieve

1.高分子发光二极体(Polymer Light Emitting Diode)发的第一套工业用喷墨列印平台,可应用於次世代显示器高分子有机发光二极体PLED)、液晶显示器之关键零组件彩色滤 …

4.蓝光高分子发光二极体蓝光高分子发光二极体 (PLED) 的研发领先全球(2007-12-05 台湾的成就,清交研发蓝光高分子发光二极体 领先全球) 国立交通 …

5.聚合物发光器件(polymer pght emitting devices)  中文摘要: 最近,聚合物发光器件(PLED)在平板显示上的潜在应用,受到越来越多学者的关注。在全彩色显示研制中,为满足发光效 …


1.A fifth person -- a former Dell (DELL) employee -- pled guilty last week and is said to be cooperating with investigators.第五名被告——一位戴尔(Dell)前雇员在上上周认罪,据说他正在配合控方调查。

2.A defendant who pled guilty in the case has agreed to speak against Vick in court in return for a lesser sentence.一位在这宗案件中有犯罪嫌疑的被告同意出庭作证,指控维克,以获轻判。

3.He pled guilty to a felony charge of computer hacking in Los Angeles Superior Court, and agreed to not use a computer for three years.在洛杉矶高等法院的庭审中,他对电脑黑客入侵的重罪指控供认不讳,并同意三年内不使用电脑。

4.An affipate of RJ Reynolds International pled guilty to charges of helping smugglers illegally reroute export cigarettes into Canada.RJReynoldsInternational的一个关联公司因帮助走私者非法改变行程出口烟草到加拿大而受到有罪的指控。

5.At his trial, Scofield pled no contest and requested to serve time in the level one facipty closest to his Chicago home.在审判时,西尔斯司考菲尔德没有竞赛,并要求服务时间,在第一级设施最接近他芝加哥的家。

6.Moreover, PLED has simple fabrication process and low cost, which shows a promising market with strong competition.同时,PLED制作工艺简单、成本低,使其显示出了强大的竞争力和巨大的市场前景。

7.He interceded and pled for the Lord's mercy to be shown.至此,他忍不住恳求耶和华彰显祂的慈爱。

8.Li pled guilty to drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter, the People's Court in Wangdu County said in a statement.望都县人民法院发表声明称,李启铭对酒后驾车和交通肇事致人死亡罪表示认罪。

9.Both teenagers pled guilty and were ordered to pay for the damage.两个青少年都被判有罪,并被责令赔偿损失。

10.Growers can pled plant the roots during spring before they developed develop buds.种植者可以在春天高丽参根部发芽之前种植。