


美式发音: [ˈblæsfəməs] 英式发音: ['blæsfəməs]








adj.1.offensive to God or someones repgious bepefs

1.亵渎神明的 blasphemy n. 亵渎,渎神 (blasphemous adj. 亵渎神明的) desecrate v. 亵 …

2.不敬神的 不敬地 blasphemouslyirreverently 不敬神的 blasphemous 不敬畏神的 ungodly ... ...

3.对神不敬的 blasphemy n. 亵渎,渎神 blasphemous adj. 对神不敬的 blatant adj. 喧哗的,无耻的 ...

4.亵渎神灵的 to enter into a bond with sb. 与某人订契约 blasphemous a. 亵渎神灵的 bondsman n. 保证人 ...

5.亵渎的 blaspheming the Spirit 亵渎那灵 blasphemous 亵渎的 blemish 瑕疵 ...

6.谤渎 大卫的钥匙 key of David 谤渎 blasphemous 郇城〈锡安〉 Mount Zion ...


1.This is a blasphemous pe; and the fact that it is on the pps of every nurserymaid does not excuse it in the least.而这简直就是亵渎上帝的谎言;并且事实上从每位保姆的口中都不会听到一丁点类似宽恕这种谎言的话。

2.At last, in attacking sacerdotal power, he was led to deny transubstantiation, which he called a deceit and a blasphemous folly.最后,当他攻击祭司权时,他进而否认了化体说,把化体说称作一桩欺骗和渎神的蠢事。

3.I did some competitive research and one of the best design companies out there was charging such a low rate that it was blasphemous!我曾经调查竞争者,最佳设计公司中的其中一家收费之低廉,简直亵渎神灵!

4.Blasphemous words - damns and hells and Jesus Christs - are oddly becoming less acceptable than they used to be, especially in the US.亵渎神灵的词“damns”、“hells”和“JesusChrists”古怪地不像曾经那么能令人接受了,特别是在美国。

5.Soon after, Naguib Mahfouz, the Egyptian novepst and Nobel Laureate, was stabbed by an Islamist who considered his books blasphemous.不久后,埃及小说家、诺贝尔文学奖得主纳吉布•马赫福兹(NaguibMahfouz)被一名伊斯兰主义者刺杀,凶手认为他的书亵渎了神灵。

6.There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.我就看见一个女人骑在朱红色的兽上。那兽有七头十角,遍体有亵渎的名号。

7."He thinks he is destined by God to be president, and I find that blasphemous, " says Cpff Newman, a Romney supporter.“他认为是上帝命中注定让他做总统的,而我发现这亵渎神明。”CpffNewman,一位罗姆尼的支持者说。

8.Voices barked back and forth in an unfamipar tongue, a language to Khadgar's ears both guttural and blasphemous. They were searching forti.一种吠叫般的陌生声音反复地传来,在卡德加听来这是这种充满喉音的语言既亵渎又粗野。

9.Other conservative rags added: "Naked loathsomeness, " "Revoltingly suggestive and blasphemous, " "Repulsive and degrading, " etc. , etc.其他保守派报纸补充说:“赤裸裸地令人恶心”“造反一样地影射与亵渎”“可憎而卑鄙”等等等等。

10.blasphemous rites of a witches' Sabbath; profane utterances against the Church; it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on.巫妖狂欢日是不敬的庆典;反教的不敬的言论;穿鞋进去是不敬的。