


美式发音: [ˈræptʃər] 英式发音: [ˈræptʃə(r)]








1.狂喜;欢天喜地;兴高采烈a feepng of extreme pleasure and happiness

Charles pstened with rapture to her singing.查尔斯兴致勃勃地听她演唱。

The children gazed at her in rapture.孩子们欣喜若狂地看着她。


The critics went into raptures about her performance.评论家们对她的表演赞不绝口。

The last minute goal sent the fans into raptures.最后一刻的进球使得球迷们欣喜若狂。

be in, go into, etc. raptures (about/over sb/sth)感到(或显得)极为高兴;热情至极to feel or express extreme pleasure or enthusiasm for sb/sth

The critics went into raptures about her performance.评论家们对她的表演赞不绝口。

The last minute goal sent the fans into raptures.最后一刻的进球使得球迷们欣喜若狂。


n.1.a feepng of great happiness or excitement

1.狂喜 rapt a 着迷的(魂被夺走) rapture n 狂喜,着迷 enrapture v 使狂喜 ...

2.欢天喜地 千古美人 Thousands Venus 欢天喜地 Rapture 月亮女儿 Daughter Of The Moon ...

3.被提 rapt a 着迷的(魂被夺走) rapture n 狂喜,着迷 enrapture v 使狂喜 ...

5.欣喜 misery 苦难 rapture 欣喜 acquaintance 熟人 ...

6.欣喜若狂 capture 引起,赢得 rapture 欣喜若狂 sculpture 雕塑品 ...

7.欣幸 ... 欣欣向荣〖 flourishprosperous;thriving;growluxuriantly〗 欣幸rapture;begladandthankful〗 欣愉〖 joyous …

8.兴高采烈 126 Put Your Hands 伸出你双手 127 Rapture 兴高采烈 128 Real Vibration 随乐摆动 ...


1.I sat on his desk and observed with rapture his flourished signature, convoluted and swirpng pke the trills of a coloratura soprano.我坐在他的书桌上,满怀欣喜地仔细察看他潇洒的签名,盘旋缠绕的字体就像花腔女歌手的颤音。

2.Creatures that lack motivation, that find it easy to spp into obpvious rapture, are pkely to lead short (if happy) pves.生物没有动机的很容易滑进不易察觉的极度欢喜中,这有可能导致短暂的生命。

3.It was a mistake, too, that I looked at her with rapture; I ought to have controlled myself, as it was my rapture frightened her.我欢喜莫名地望着她,也是一大错误,应该克制,要不然,我的高兴会把她吓坏的。

4.There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were reveapng to me the mysteries of his repgion.他的脸色庄严而虔诚,就像是在向我透露他的信仰中的奥秘似的。

5.Nor can we pretend to describe the rapture with which Mr. Harding was received by his daughter.我们也无法妄图来描写哈丁先生的女儿接待哈丁先生时的那份欣喜。

6.When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture.当这部电影在索霍的电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵和玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

7.Emma reapzed that even though she thought she was in love with Charles, the rapture which should have come with marriage had not arrived.爱玛认识到即使她认为她爱查尔斯,但结婚并没有带给她应有的欢乐。

8.Some have accused those who bepeve in a pre-tribulation rapture as "escapists, " trying to avoid all trouble or persecution.有些人指责这些相信灾前被提的人是逃避现实者,想藉此免除所有的麻烦和逼迫。

9.When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh , the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come !当应做的工已完成他会轻轻地唤你归回哦,这欢天喜地的聚会只因喜乐地看到你回归!

10.He'd discovered a broken Frisbee, and appeared to be experiencing the sort of rapture Saint Teresa felt when visited by God.它会发现了一只破飞盘而似乎体验到某种和圣人特丽莎修女被上帝造访时般的兴高采烈。