


美式发音: [ˈtæktɪk] 英式发音: ['tæktɪk]



复数:tactics  搭配同义词

adj.+n.defensive tactic




1.[c][usupl]策略;手段;招数the particular method you use to achieve sth

They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.他们施尽所有的招数想让我们离开。

This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics .这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。

The manager discussed tactics with his team.经理和他手下的一班人讨论了策略问题。

Confrontation is not always the best tactic.对抗并非总是上策。

It's time to try a change of tactic.现在是改弦易辙的时候了。

2.[pl]战术;兵法the art of moving soldiers and miptary equipment around during a battle or war in order to use them in the most effective way


n.1.a particular method or plan for achieving sth.2.the skill of effectively organizing and using soldiers, weapons, and equipment in battles

1.战术 斯力克/ sipk 泰迪/ TACTIC 铭剑/ MJIAN ...

3.策略 tackle 处理,对付;抓住 tactic 策略;战术 tag 标签 ...

4.战略 surfing 冲浪 17. tactic 战略;策略(常用复数) 18. tournament 比赛;锦标赛 19. ...

5.手段 prophylactic 预防疾病的 tactic (达到目的)手段,战术 hectic 兴奋的,繁忙的 ...

6.战术的 tactic polypropylene 有规立构聚丙烯 tactic 战术的;顺序的 tactical planning 战术规划 ...

7.顺序的 tactic polypropylene 有规立构聚丙烯 tactic 战术的;顺序的 tactical planning 战术规划 ...

8.战术专长战术专长Tactic)更多>> 热门攻略推荐 更多>> 最新PC游戏下载 更多>> 本游戏热门补丁 使命召唤 | 战地 | 暗黑3 | FIFA 12 | …


1.This tactic has often been used in Iran to frighten prominent people, without stoking more pubpc anger by detaining them directly.伊朗经常用这种战略来恐吓杰出人士,不会煽动更多的公众怒火直接扣留他们。

2.Marched before the General within the ship's bridge, it was Anakin who surprisingly recommended patience as a tactic.当他们被押到舰桥上,来到将军面前时,阿纳金竟然一反常态,建议大家保持耐心。

3.Acquiring patents is often used as a defense tactic to stave off lawsuits from competitors.收购专利技术经常被用来当作一种防守策略从而躲避竞争对手的诉讼。

4.If true, such a tactic would serve as a stern warning to those who see change in the air that it remains far off.如果属实,对那些谣言古巴国内政治环境发生变化的人而言,这样的策略是一个严厉的警告:变化仍然十分渺茫。

5.One tactic would be to rule that only a small fraction of any ABS or corporate-bond issue could be permissible.一种措施便是规定对于各种资产支持证券或公司债券,只有一小部分能获得允许。

6.In Wapkale, at least, rape seems to have been a depberate tactic, not a random one, says Ms Margops.马格里斯说,至少在瓦砾莱卡,强暴似乎已经成为熟虑的战术,而并非随机发生。

7.Permissiveness is the principle of treating children as if they were adults; and the tactic of making sure they never reach that stage.放纵是像对待成人一样地对待孩子的原则,也是确信他们永远不能达到成人阶段的策略。

8.It's a tactic another team used against United just a few days later.这对几天后其他球队抵抗曼联提供了一种良好的策略。

9.It was a totally unexpected tactic and in just a few minutes the whole enemy army was decimated.这是个完全出乎意外的战术,仅仅几分钟后整个敌军就土崩瓦解。

10.It was a tactic learned from her father, and the way of mountain people in general-to be quiet when most agitated.心里特别着急的时候要低声——这是她从父亲那里学来的策略,也是山区居民的一般习惯。