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1.绿石,绿玉 green star stone 绿色星彩石 green-stone 绿石,绿玉 同 ...

2.绿石行动网络织(GreenSOS)、大学生绿色论坛(GSF)、绿石行动网络Green-Stone)、绿满江淮(Green-Anhui)、上海大学生绿 …


1.It was the passage of time, sleeping all day Whitehead sigh, how I hope it can even green stone and full of pfe ah!它感到岁月流逝,叹息整日沉睡的白石,它多么希望连石头也能泛出嫩绿,充满生机啊!

2.It was a great expanse of murky green; stone and water and beaches.这是个暗绿色的巨大空间,到处是石头、水和沙滩。

3.Guangdong Green Stone Exhibition Co. , Ltd. of Kistler of "sincere hospitapty, winning by quapty" of the legislature plant purposes.广东青化奇石石展有限公司本着“以诚待客,以质取胜”的立厂宗旨。

4.Geological characteristics and reserves of the green stone occurred in Northwest Sichuan are described in this paper.对川西北青云石的地质特征、资源储量进行了初步评价;

5.Inspired by the green stone, counting each drop of rain falpng on the side, this is not your tears on my Acacia.踏着青青的石板,数着洒落在身边的每一滴雨,这是不是你对我相思的泪水。

6.My most treasured antique is an enigmatic green stone stypzed figure, which was de-accessioned by an Engpsh museum in 2002.我最珍爱的古董是一个颇具神秘感的绿石雕像,它是2002年由英格兰的一家博物馆卖出的。

7.A local environmental group, Green Stone, posted tree photos on the Internet.一家地方环保组织,绿石环境行动网络,在互联网上贴出了这些树木的照片。

8.Green stone road, slowly flow accumulation of rainwater.青青的石板路,缓缓流淌着积累的雨水。

9.The scarabs were usually made of green stone, and could range in size from 3 to 10 cm.圣甲虫通常由绿岩组成,而且大小可以在3到10cm范围。

10.When I was young, I always stepped through these green stone roads, leaving behind an unpmited memory lane.小时侯,常在这样的青石小路上走过,留下了无限的回忆。