




1.福特 ——爱因斯坦( Albert Einstein) ——享利·福特( Henry Ford) ——拉玛克里希那( Ramakrishna) ...

4.汽车大王福特过去相传的石油大享盖帝(J·Paul Getty)和汽车大王福特Henry Ford)的故事暗示给我们:事业要成功就必须牺牲妻子和子 …

5.汽车大亨福特和汽车大亨福特Henry Ford)相熟的人说,在福特面前,没有人能够完全放松,人称福特是怪兽。但葛洛夫不同,他深具个 …

6.福特汽车创办人亨利福特福特汽车创办人亨利福特Henry Ford)的曾孙艾尔弗雷德福特(Alfred Ford)决定豪掷十九亿五千万港元在印度北部默纳利 …

7.福特先生福特汽车的创始人福特先生Henry Ford)曾经说过一句耐人寻味的话:“假如我听从了用户,我带给他们的将只会是跑得更快 …


1.Sort of brings to mind the Model-T, which Henry Ford famously said was available in any color the customer wanted as long as it was black.那种使人想起示范-T的,这亨利福特曾经说过一句著名的是可以在任何颜色的客户想,只要它是黑色的。

2.Henry Ford did not invest invent the automobile, but his assembly pne revolutionized manufactory manufacturing and made cars affordable.有时他们的改革会影响世界。HenryFord没有发明汽车,但是他的生产线将生产革新化并供应车。

3.Pioneering car maker Henry Ford failed with one company and was forced out of another before he developed the Model T car.首创汽车制造商亨利福特未能与一间公司,并被迫离开公司的另一前他发展了T型汽车。

4.The announcement that I would be joining Chrysler in November must have been a real jolt to Henry Ford.我将于十一月加入克莱斯勒公司的事一宣布,亨利·福特肯定感到震惊。

5.The family was that of Henry Ford, his son, his grandsons, and now his great- grandsons.而这个家庭就是亨利·福特、他的儿子、孙子以及现在他的重孙们。

6.On his way to dominating the automotive market with the Model T, Henry Ford embodied innovation and progress.在他以T型车占领汽车市场的过程中,亨利·福特成为了创新和进步的象征。

7.It's not hard to understand why Henry Ford loved the Model T just as it was. After all, the sturdy black car had made him rich and famous.不难理解为什么亨利福特对T模型情有独钟,毕竟是这强悍的黑色汽车让他名利双收。

8.And in broad societal impact, he might have fallen short of the man who popularized the automobile, Henry Ford.在对社会影响的广泛性方面,他也略逊将汽车带入大众生活的亨利·福特一筹。

9.Henry ford said it best in his famous quotation 'whether you think you can or you think you can't you are right. '对此描述得最棒的是亨利·福特“无论你认为自己能或者不能,你都是正确的”。

10.As Henry Ford wisely put it : "Whether you think you can or cannot, you're absolutely right. "如亨利·福特的至理名言:“无论你认为自己行,还是不行,你都绝对是正确的。”