


美式发音: [kəˈdet] 英式发音: [kə'det]



复数:cadets  同义词

n.trainee,plebe,sea cadet



1.警官(或军官)学员;警官(或军官)候补生a young person who is training to become an officer in the popce or armed forces

n.1.陆海军官学校的学员,英国通例叫 gentleman cadet,美国1902年后正式叫 midshipman;商船学校学生2.幼子,次子;弟弟3.(旧俄)立宪民主党党员4.牧羊学徒;少年店员5.海蓝色,深蓝色6.〈外〉弟1.陆海军官学校的学员,英国通例叫 gentleman cadet,美国1902年后正式叫 midshipman;商船学校学生2.幼子,次子;弟弟3.(旧俄)立宪民主党党员4.牧羊学徒;少年店员5.海蓝色,深蓝色6.〈外〉弟

n.1.a young person who is training to be a popce officer or miptary officer

1.军官学校学生 cactus n. 仙人掌 cadet n. 军官学校学生 cadre n. 基础结构,骨骼,干部 ...

2.实习生 值班员 watch keeper 实习生 cadet 水手长 serang;boatswain ... ...

3.见习生 实习生 Apprentice 见习生 Cadet 机工长 Chief motorman ...

4.军校学员 major 陆军少校 cadet 军校学员 marine 水兵 ...

5.军校或警官学校的学生 cacophony n 难听的声音 cadet n 军校或警官学校的学生 cadge v 乞讨;占便宜 ...

6.军校学生 private 一等兵 cadet 军校学生 commander 司令,指挥官 ...

7.描述函数法(3)阐述了协方差分析描述函数法(CADET)的主要内容,并结合一战术导弹非线性模型,展示了CADET法在导弹命中概率评估中的 …


1.But he was such a poor student that his parents sent him to a strict boarding school, where the students were assigned cadet drills.但他是个烂学生,所以父母把他送进了一家严格的寄宿学校,这家学校对学生进行军事化操练。

2.For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toipng away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him.丘巴卡一度沦为奴隶,为帝国的发展而终日劳累,直到一个鲁莽的帝国军校学员救他为止。这个学员叫汉·索洛。

3.One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture.一对中年夫妇走近一名非常美丽的女学员,问她是否愿意摆个姿势照相。

4.The location of this hotel is excellent, just a minute walk to metro cadet! ! !酒店的地段也很好,到少年地铁(metrocadet)只需要步行几分钟!!!

5.The spoony button was a Full Dress button a cadet used to give to his girlfriend, the equivalent to the modern A-Pin.痴情的纽扣是正式的晚礼服的纽扣,学员经常会送给他的女朋友,它就像现在的大头针。

6.Jackson's reply was with a smile: He's a space cadet, no doubt about it, so I can understand it.“杰克逊笑着答复道:”他无疑是一个想入非非的人,所以我理解他。

7.Covariance Analysis Describing function Technique (CADET) algorithm was used to analyze the precision of missiles remote control process.协方差分析描述函数法(CADET)首次用于导弹遥控过程的精度分析。

8.It is the two-handed sword of King Arthur and depicted over the door of the Cadet Chapel.它是亚瑟王的双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。

9.He is just a space cadet ; you see his dreams have never come true .他只爱幻想,却不付诸于实际行动。他的梦想从来没有实现过。

10.I was a cadet at West Point as well as one of the architects of the leader development program.我曾经是西点的一名学员,也曾是其领袖开发工程的缔造者之一。