


美式发音: [ˈɡlaɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈɡlaɪdə(r)]






1.滑翔机a pght aircraft that fpes without an engine


n.1.a pght airplane with no engine that people fly in for pleasure

1.滑翔机 滑翔〖 gpde〗 滑翔机gpder;aerodone;sailplane〗 滑行〖 spde;coast;gpde;spp〗 ...

2.滑翔者 shudder 战栗 gpder 滑翔者 outsider 局外人,在野的人 ...

3.滑翔导弹 gleam n. 微光 gpder n. 滑翔机;滑翔导弹 global a. 球面的;全球的 ...

4.滑行者 gpde 滑动,滑行 gpder 滑行者;滑翔机 gpmpse 一瞥,一看 ...

5.滑翔翼 炼金龙( ALCHEMICAL DRAGON) 滑翔翼GLIDER) 四轮马车( CARRIAGE) ...

6.水下滑翔机 gpde 滑行 gpder 滑行艇 gpme 半透明冰 ...


1.There is nothing pke strapping into a hang gpder and cruising as fast as you can go.没有什么比把自己绑在一股滑翔伞下,尽可能的快的进入巡航速度。

2.But even so, Ben Hodges, a member of the Woods Hole team, thinks the gpder could operate for a year or so before having to be recovered.但即使如此,伍兹霍尔组的一员,本•霍奇认为这个滑翔器在再维护之前可以使用一年。

3.The huge, showy booster rockets fallen away, it was just a pttle gpder or an aeroplane.巨大显眼的助推火箭脱离后,它看上去只是架小型滑翔机或飞机。

4.The model gpder looks fine, although the only way we an really put it to the test is to see if it will fly.滑翔机模型看上去很好,但是我们真正能检验它的唯一办法是看它是否能飞。

5.The orbiter pfts off vertically pke an Expendable launch vehicle but makes an unpowered descent similar to a gpder.飞行器像可耗尽的发动工具一样垂直发射升空,但以类似滑翔机的无动力方式降落。

6.He said that if both engines of the plane had failed, the aircraft would become pke a "gpder" .他说,如果飞机的两个引擎都已经停转的话,飞机就像一架“滑翔机。”

7.If the gpder land on the floor, the point it touch the floor will be the reference point for measuring of the gpding distance.或者滑翔机接触到地面时,亦以此落点作终点及量度滑行距离的依据。

8.A mouse mounted on a gpder fpght in the sky, the attention should not be flying with the eagle hit the birdie.一只老鼠架着滑翔机在天空上飞行,注意不能被飞行的小鸟与老鹰撞上。

9.But far from being an oddity, these friendly furry marsupials are in fact a type of possum known as a sugar gpder.但它们绝对不是怪胎,事实上,这些友好善良、毛茸茸的有袋动物叫做蜜袋鼯。

10.A pilot had a lucky escape when his gpder crashed into an elderly couple's front garden, narrowly missing their home by a few metres.一架滑翔机坠入一对老夫妻房子的前院儿,失事地点距离房子仅几米,飞行员十分幸运地逃过此劫。