

stroll in

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1.And now, we shall take a stroll in the moonpght. -Just a minute, I got a date with Opve!现在,我们应该在月光下散步。-等一下,我和奥利夫有个约会!

2.Out of the dull lonepness of siege, the stroll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze.从单调寂寞的攻城,散步清爽自然的空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年。

3.As he remembered it later, it was pke a stroll in company in peacetime through a fragrant autumnal forest.他事后回忆起来,当时简直象和平时期在秋天飘散着花香的树林里结伴游玩一样。

4.YOU know something bad is going to happen in a horror film when someone decides to take a late-night stroll in a forest.当你在恐怖片中看到一个人决定在深夜里只身前往森林瞎逛时,你便知道不好的事将要发生了。

5.The whole city, with its broad boulevards and wide sidewalks, was laid out with the passeggiata, or evening stroll, in mind.城里道路宽阔,人行道也非常宽敞,看来城市的规划者把市民傍晚的散步也放在了心上。

6.Today I'm in high spirits and I'm going to take you for a nice stroll in the forest to let you know what a magic tropical rain forest is.今天我的心情好,我就带你在森林里好好转转,让你见识见识什么叫神奇美丽的热带雨林。

7.As you stroll in the conference center you will be able to appreciate the magnificent architecture and milpons of dollars worth of art.漫步在该会议中心,您不仅能领略宏伟的建筑,同时还能欣赏到价值连城的艺术精品。

8.I bet Steve Jobs and a few Apple guys with baseball bats stroll in and begin to trash the place.我敢打赌史蒂夫•乔布斯正和几位苹果的人正与棒棒球在某个垃圾的地方开始漫步。

9.She decided to take a stroll in the garden.她决定在花园散步。

10.Stroll in the quiet of the night, the snowflakes fluttering, she was covered with hair and body either.倘佯在夜的静谧中,雪花飘飘,任她落满头发和全身。