




1.抗凝血酶单位关关系,可以用抗凝血酶单位来表示水蛭素的含量,一个抗凝血酶单位(AT-U)是指在37℃下使1个国际单位的凝血酶失活所需 …


1.Sales at U. S. stores open at least a year fell 1. 8 percent in the quarter ended Jan. 28, Wal-Mart said in a statement today.截止到1月28日,沃尔玛公司在美国的销售额至少年均减少1.

2.But the footage here does not seem to show anyone directing gunfire at U. S. troops, as was reported at the time.但是从报道的文中看出,并没有任何人曾向美军射击。

3.Meanwhile, China, the world's largest source for international students at U. S. universities, made strides with its own schools.同时,美国最大的国际学生来源国——中国,在大学排名上也迈步前进。

4.Don't be so sure. It has become a constant refrain at U. N. headquarters that the Security Council is anachronistic.不要那么肯定在联合国总部,安理会落伍已经成为不断重复的论调。

5.The office at U. S. C. also assists family members who come to the United States with international students.南加利福尼亚大学的国际服务办公室同样也帮助跟随留学生一起来的家庭成员们。

6.Life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. U never know what hand u're going to get dealt next. U learn to take pfe as it comes at u.生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它。你永远不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活?

7.Mr. Obama said he has ordered a 'comprehensive review' of safety at U. S. nuclear power plants, a step urged by members of Congress.奥巴马说,他已下令对美国核电站进行全面的安全检查,这是美国国会议员要求采取的措施。

8."It has too many false positives to be useful, " says Rundle, a professor of physics, geology and engineering at U.氡气预测系统有太多虚假的确实性,这导致它已经没有用处了。

9.Adlerstein sported a white shirt with neither jacket nor tie as he addressed reporters at U. N. headquarters.当他向联合国总部的记者发表讲话的时候还展示了一下他没有佩戴任何外套以及领带的白衬衫。

10.United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon offered Saturday to host the meeting at U. N. headquarters in New York in early December.联合国秘书长潘基文提议于12月稍早在纽约的联合国总部举办这个会议。