




1.S-视频 SUPER FINE( 超级优质)约 S VIDEO( S-视频) VIDEO( 视频) ...

2.视频输入接口 H SYNC 行同步信号 S VIDEO S端子视频信号 IF1 中频信号 ...

4.视讯端子视讯端子 (S Video)1 set 对 比 度 1000:1 音效输出端子 (Audio Out) 2 x 2W 防水等级 IP65 防水控制面板 1 set


1.Her teammates are about to accept another mission when a phone window opens up in the corner of Ana's video screen.正当她的队友准备接受下一个任务时,安娜的屏幕角落里弹出了一个通讯窗口。

2.They said that the U. S. video and eyes and ears of Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden different from the previous photo.他们称美方视频中这个拉登的耳朵和眼睛与拉登以前的照片有出入。

3.If your computer's video card is built directly onto the computer's motherboard, you still might be able to upgrade the card.如果计算机的视频卡直接内置在计算机的主板上,您仍然能够升级视频卡。

4.America's video game industry was the winner in a decision last week by the United States Supreme Court.在上周美国最高法院作出的裁决中,美国视频游戏行业成为赢家。

5.After the second and third time, Domolky began to notice pttle details pke the dates on main character Jake Sully's video diaries.看了两、三遍后,多莫尔基开始注意一些细节,比如主角苏利(JakeSully)的视频日记中的日期等。

6.We hope you can say for that, so enjoy tonight's video, and thank you for your support.希望你们能记住它,尽情享受今晚的节目吧,感谢支持!

7.And the mainstream media manages to scare up some scoops of its own, pke CNN's video of Jackson rehearsing three days before he died.主流媒体设法找出一些自己的独家新闻,就像CNN有关三天前杰克逊死前的排列视频。

8.We get to kill him in the street at Paul's video can be seen clearly by his face, but unfortunately, we h*e can not find his identity.我们才获得他在杀保罗时街道里的录像,能清楚看见他的面容,只可惜,我们一直查不到他的身份。

9.So as far as the ideal date movie goes, until you check out your partner's video collection, it's probably safest just to go with a romance.所以,想要一个理想的约会电影,除非你检查过你朋友的录音带,那么最安全的选择是浪漫爱情片。

10.It basically replaces DVI (see below) plus S-Video and all that other analog crap.它基本上代替了DVI(见下)加上S端子以及所有类似的东东。