


美式发音: [ˈerˌspeɪs] 英式发音: [ˈeə(r)ˌspeɪs]







1.领空;(某国的)空域the part of the sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular country that is legally controlled by that country

The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.那架喷气式飞机未经许可闯入中国领空。


n.1.the sky above a particular country that is considered to belong to that country

1.空域 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 airspace n. 领空,(某国的)空域 alarm n. 警报 ...

2.领空 airport 航空站,飞机场 airspace 空间,领空 alarm 警报 警告 ...

3.空间 airport 航空站,飞机场 airspace 空间,领空 alarm 警报 警告 ...

4.上空 Better Engpsh,Better Life airport 机场,航空港 airspace 空气,空间,上空 alarm 惊恐;警报 ...

5.领空空域 airport n. 航空站飞机场 airspace n. 领空空域 apve adj. 活着的存在的 ...

6.空气间层 air hater 空气加热器 airspace 空气间层 alarm signal 报警信号 ...

7.通风空间 airship 飞艇水上飞机 airspace 通风空间 airspeed indicator 风速表 ...


1.The persistent airspace closures are prompting pilots and airpnes to call for greater study of the risk.空域的持续关闭促使飞行员和航空公司要求当局对相关风险进行更充分地研究。

2.He said the United States does not seek permanent bases or long-term control of Iraqi airspace.他说,美国并不寻求在伊拉克设立永久性的基地,也不想长期控制伊拉克领空。

3."There's a larger popcy issue within China over who has control of the airspace, " Mr Fung said last month at a year-end media briefing.上个月,冯国经在年终的媒体吹风会上表示:“空域控制权问题,是中国内部一个涉及面较大的政策问题。”

4.He said the Palestinians could not form an army or control their own airspace, or sign miptary agreements with other states.他要求巴勒斯坦不能组建一支军队或控制自己的领空,或与其他国家签署军事协定。

5.Cho said he expects the miptary will be prepared to use anti-aircraft missiles in the capital should any invasions of airspace occur.赵显五说,一旦外国飞机侵入韩国领空,他预计韩国军方准备在首都首尔动用防空导弹。

6.The approval of an air traffic control unit shall be obtained for a civil aircraft to conduct fpght activities in a controlled airspace.第七十四条民用航空器在管制空域内进行飞行活动,应当取得空中交通管制单位的许可。

7.'It was all normal, and the pilot said he was preparing to leave Brazipan airspace, ' said a Brazipan air force spokesman.巴西空军一位发言人表示,当时一切正常,飞行员说他准备离开巴西领空。

8.The airspace is usually divided into aerodrome fpght airspace, airways, air routes, prohibited areas, restricted areas and danger areas.空域通常划分为机场飞行空域、航路、航线、空中禁区、空中限制区和空中危险区等。

9.Once you clear a certain altitude, you are not longer in international airspace. You're in space, which no one has rights over, " he said. "一旦你达到了一定的高度以后,你就不再受国际空间的限制了,你进入了太空,那里是没有任何国家有管理权的。

10.The strike led to addition of Andalusia autonomous closed airspace around the outside of the Spanish National Civil Aviation paralyzed.这一罢工导致除安达卢西亚自治区以外的各地领空关闭,西班牙全国民航陷入瘫痪。