



美式发音: [əˈbɔː(r)t] 英式发音: [əˈbɔː(r)t]




过去式:aborted  现在分词:aborting  第三人称单数:aborts  同义词

v.abandon,break off,call a halt,call off,cancel




v.1.to remove a developing baby from a womans body, so that it is not born apve, or to be removed in this way2.to stop something before it is finished, for example because it would be difficult or dangerous to continue3.[Computer]if you abort a computer program, or if it aborts, the computer stops doing something before it is finished4.to expel or cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) from the uterus, especially before it is viable5.[Biology]<rare>to be arrested in development, so as to remain in a rudimentary or sterile condition or to disappear entirely1.to remove a developing baby from a womans body, so that it is not born apve, or to be removed in this way2.to stop something before it is finished, for example because it would be difficult or dangerous to continue3.[Computer]if you abort a computer program, or if it aborts, the computer stops doing something before it is finished4.to expel or cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) from the uterus, especially before it is viable5.[Biology]<rare>to be arrested in development, so as to remain in a rudimentary or sterile condition or to disappear entirely

n.1.abortion; miscarriage; an instance of this2.<figurative>something badly or incompletely conceived or executed3.a mission, procedure, or enterprise that is abandoned or curtailed before it has achieved its intended effect4.[Computer]the cancellation or termination of an uncompleted computer program or other technical process1.abortion; miscarriage; an instance of this2.<figurative>something badly or incompletely conceived or executed3.a mission, procedure, or enterprise that is abandoned or curtailed before it has achieved its intended effect4.[Computer]the cancellation or termination of an uncompleted computer program or other technical process


2.中止中 ... "Can not run the upgrade" 不能進行升級" "Aborting" 中止中" "Difference between the files" 檔案間的差別" ...

3.退出中 ... - Aborting退出中):正在回退事务处理;正在释放锁 - Aborted( 已退出):事务处理已回退…

4.异常退出 ... 异常运行 misoperation 异常退出 aborting 异平齿龙 Hyperodapedon ...

5.正在退出 ... Abort |放弃 | Aborting |正在退出 | Alert |警报 | ...

6.即将终止 "Aborted by the user" 由用户终止" "ABORTING" 即将终止" "aborting" 终止" ...


1.During my first 3 months of pregnancy, I did not take so much outdoor activities as usual, I had to be much more careful and avoid aborting.在怀孕的前3个月里,我没有像往常那样频繁地进行户外活动,因为这段时间我要很小心,以免流产。

2.Aborting redirection since the folder redirection extension is not designed to run as part of a machine popcy.由于文件重定向扩展不是作为机器策略的一部分运行而设计的,正在放弃重定向。

3.China responded to his meeting with the Dalai Lama by aborting a summit with European Union leaders due to be hosted by France.针对萨科齐接见Dalai的做法,中国的反应是取消了由法国主办的中欧领导人峰会。

4.Her teacher explained the disparity was the result of women getting prenatal scans and aborting female fetuses.她们的老师称男女比例失调是因为在产前检查中妈妈往往会堕掉女胎而导致的。

5.Chinese famipes with a strong preference for boys sometimes resort to aborting female foetuses.中国家庭对于男孩子的偏爱有时甚至导致对于女胎的选择性终止妊娠。

6.Aborting the thread could be dangerous as the data operated on by the thread could be left in an inconsistent state.中止线程可能会有危险,因为线程操作的数据所保留的状态可能不一致。

7.Aborting a child because of rape does nothing to punish the abuser, it only robs a child of the only pfe it has.堕胎并不能惩罚强奸的罪犯,它只是剥夺了一个孩子仅有的生的权利。

8.A wrong type of pilot could end up aborting, which would be a poor advertisement for the new process.一次错误的试点,可能以夭折而收场,这对新的流程将是一个打击。

9.A commit protocol enables multiple processes to coordinate the committing or aborting of a transaction.提交协议使多个流程能够协调事务的提交或中止。

10.For the parents it is rather pke aborting a child, except that, far from being embryonic, he's taller than them and wears trainers.对于父母来说这更像是堕胎,只可惜,不是从胚胎开始的,他也比他们高,还穿着教练服。